Some background.

I’m running Flink application on a single machine, instrumented by Spring Boot 
and launched via the Maven Spring Boot plugin. Basically, I’m trying to figure 
out how much I can squeeze out of a single node processing my task before 
committing to a cluster solution.

Couple of questions.

I assume the configuration options taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots and 
parallelism.default pertain to division of work on a single node. Am I correct?
Is there a way to configure these options programmatically instead of the 
configuration YAML? Or some Maven tooling that can ingest a properly formatted 
Flink config? For the record, I’m currently trying 
GlobalConfigeration.getConfiguration.setInteger(“<config option name>”,<config 
option value>). I am also going to try supplying them as properties in the pom. 
I’m preparing some tests to see if either of these do as I expect, but thought 
I’d ask in case I’m heading down a rabbit hole.
I figure task slots is limited to the number of processors/cores/whatever 
available (and the JVM can get at). Is this accurate?
Any feedback would be appreciated.

Prez Cannady  
p: 617 500 3378  
e: <>  
GH: <>  
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