As I know, flink uses thread model in TaskManager, that means one taskmanager 
process may run many different operator threads,and these threads will compete 
the memory of the process. I know that flink has memoryManage component in each 
taskManager, and it will control the localBufferPool of InputGate, 
ResultPartition for each task,but if UDF consume much memory, it will use jvm 
heap memory, so it can not be controlled by flink. If I use flink as common 
platform, some users will consume much memory in UDF, and it may influence 
other threads in the process, especially for OOM.  I know that it has 
sharedslot or isolated slot properties , but it just limit the task schedule in 
one taskmanager, can i schedule task in separate taskmanger if i consume much 
memory and donot want to influence other tasks. Or are there any suggestions 
for the issue of thread model. As I know spark is also thread model, but 
hadoop2 use process model.
Thank you for any suggestions in advance!

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