Ahh, my bad again - I missed the whole point of using ObjectSelect somehow, probably because it's difficult to explain without having your model. Anyways here's a shot at it, conceptually the same as what you did in the modeller:

List<Object[]> results = ObjectSelect.query( ObjEntityA.class )
.columns( ObjEntityA.PROP_FOR_OBJ_E.dot( ObjEntityE.PROP_A ),
                   ObjEntityA.PROP_FOR_OBJ_E.dot( ObjEntityE.PROP_B ),
                   ObjEntityA.PROP_FOR_OBJ_E.dot( ObjEntityE.PROP_C ) )
.where( ObjEntityA.PROP_FOR_OBJ_B.dot( ObjEntityB.PROP_FOR_OBJ_C ).dot( ObjEntityC.PROP_FOR_OBJ_D )
                 .dot( ObjEntityD.PROP_B )  // this is t3.varB
                 .eq( "somevalue" ) )
.select( context );

On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 22:45:24 +0200, Christian Gonzalez <christian.gonza...@smartscrubs.com> wrote:

Looks like it worked, thank you. It is definitely an interesting way of
doing it although I'm not sure about how I feel about having to make a new
entity every time a query like this is used but hopefully it won't be too

Thank you for your help.

On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 11:08 AM Jurgen Doll <jur...@ivoryemr.co.za> wrote:

Ahh, sorry my bad I didn't see the t0 for tableE.

There may be other ways to do it but I think adding t3.varB as an
attribute to the object entity might be the simplest.


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