Hi Jurgen,

I'm a little confused about step 8. I have created the attributes I want to
fetch using the db.attribute path from tableA->tableE. However in my query
the columns I want aren't fetched traversing all the way from
tableA->tableB->....tableE but rather just from tableA immediately to
tableE since a relationship exists in the dbEntity. The traversal from
tableA all the way to tableD is to be able to use a column in tableD as a
qualifier(the WHERE statement). Would that qualifier be done through just
an objEntity Relationship then?

On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 12:05 AM Jurgen Doll <jur...@ivoryemr.co.za> wrote:

> Hi Christian
> Try the following steps:
> 1.   Open Cayenne Modeler
> 2.   Create an ObjEntity
> 3.   Give it a name and select tableA
> 4.   Click on the Properties tab
> 5.   Click on "Create Attribute" icon/button
> 6.   Click on "Edit Attribute" icon/button
> 7.   Enter the Attributes Name and select its Java Type
> 8.   Click on the relationship from tableA -> tableB, and then from
> tableB
> -> tableC, .... until tableE and then select the column
> 9.   Click on the "Select path" button (above the relationship lists)
> 10. Click on "Done" (bottom right) and repeat for next attribute
> Regards
> Jurgen
> On Tue, 16 Jan 2024 17:58:23 +0200, Christian Gonzalez
> <christian.gonza...@smartscrubs.com> wrote:
> > Yes,
> >
> > First I would like to amend some mistakes I made on the original query.
> >
> > The select columns should be from t4 not t3, and the where clause
> should
> > be
> > from t3 not t4. Also I decided to change some names of the
> > variables/columns where the joins happen since they are not all joined
> > through the same column. The corrected query should look like this
> >
> > SELECT t4.columnA, t4. columnB, t4.columnC
> > FROM catalog.dbo.tableA t0
> > JOIN catalog.dbo.tableB t1 on t0.varA = t1.varA
> > JOIN catalog.dbo.tableC t2 on t1.varA = t2.varA,
> > JOIN catalog.dbo.tableD t3 on t2.varB = t3.varB
> > JOIN catalog.dbo.tableE t4 on t0.varC = t4.varC and 4 on t0.varD =
> > t4.varD,
> > WHERE t3.varB = 'somevalue'
> >
> >
> > For this query the model uses 5 different tables / obj entities. t0 our
> > starting table has two relevant relationships with t1 and t4 (our desired
> > table). The relationship with t1 is done through one column/attribute and
> > has a reverse relationship as well. The relationship with t4 however is
> > done through two attributes/columns but it does not have a reverse
> > relationship so we cannot perform a query starting from t4 going to t0.
> > As
> > pointed out t1 has a relationship with t0 and also a relationship with t2
> > on one column/attribute, this one has a reverse relationship as well and
> > that one is 'To Many' and 'To Dep PK'. t2 has the mentioned relationship
> > with t1 and also a relationship with t3 on one column/attribute and is
> > 'To
> > Many' and 'To Dep PK' as well as has its respective reverse relationship.
> > t3 has its relationship with t2 on a single variable/attribute and then
> > we
> > use t3 to evaluate.
> >
> > Please let me know if there is any additional info you might need.
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Christian Gonzalez
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Jan 14, 2024 at 12:33 PM Andrew Lindesay <a...@lindesay.co.nz>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Hello Christian;
> >>
> >> Are you able to outline how you have the tables modeled in Cayenne as
> >> your
> >> question relies on that modelling.
> >>
> >> Regards.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Andrew Lindesay
> >>
> >> On Sat, 13 Jan 2024, at 10:59, Christian Gonzalez wrote:
> >> > Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to perform queries where the
> >> ending
> >> > table/class is different from the starting one. I have a query where
> >> the
> >> > result columns (the SELECT part) I want are from a different table
> >> than
> >> the
> >> > starting one. It looks something like this:
> >> >
> >> > SELECT t3.columnA, t3. columnB, t3. columnC
> >> > FROM catalog.dbo.tableA t0
> >> > JOIN catalog.dbo.tableB t1 on t0.varA = t1.varA
> >> > JOIN catalog.dbo.tableC t2 on t1.varA = t2.varA,
> >> > JOIN catalog.dbo.tableD t3 on t2.varA = t3.varA
> >> > JOIN catalog.dbo.tableE t4 on t0.varA = t4.varA,
> >> > WHERE t4.varB = 'somevalue'
> >> >
> >> > The relationships are only one way, going from tableA to tableC the
> >> reason
> >> > being that the query is more efficient that way.
> >> >
> >> > The query is currently being done through a raw SQL string using
> >> > SQLTemplate but we are trying to update it to avoid having raw SQL
> >> > statements and using the cayenne ObjectSelect and Expressions instead.
> >> >
> >> > If not, is there a way to expose the PathTranslator classes to have a
> >> > little more control over how the path expressions are converted to SQL
> >> > statements?
> >> >
> >> > The project currently uses cayenne 4.2.M3
> >> >
> >> > Thank you,
> >> > Christian
> >>
> --
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