Hi guys!
I'm about to be rid of a legacy DB that's been keeping my most important 
application stuck on a heavily modified Cayenne 4.1 stack. So, finally looking 
into joining modernity and upgrading Cayenne (yay!).

I see there's a lot of stuff happening in 5.0 at the moment and I'd like to 
take my "non business-critical" stuff there so I can partake in the fun.

But then there's the more serious (read: paying customer) software. Seeing as 
how v4.2 is still in the RC stage, with 5.0 receiving active development, would 
you recommend migrating "real apps" to 4.2 now—or just not bothering, holding 
out and moving directly to 5.0? Is anyone using the 4.2 RC in production yet?

- hugi

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