I have used jgoodies binding with cayenne in just that way.  IMHO it's the
best binding library considering that the one that was supposed to become
standard has ceased to be developed.


On Saturday, June 1, 2013, Dirk Olmes wrote:

> On 05/31/2013 06:24 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
> > On the DataViews status... Yes, DataViews is no longer a supported
> > technology in Cayenne. DataViews was a great and promising framework,
> > but ended up archived and removed from the main line of development
> > after its main and only developer moved on to other things. The code
> > is there, and Swing hasn't changed that much in the last 5 years
> > (Cayenne did somewhat), so given a motivated person, it can be
> > resurrected. Otherwise yeah, you'd have to look for data bindings
> > elsewhere, or do it traditional Swing way.
> If I was to implement a Swing GUI again, I'd take a look into the
> excellent JGoodies binding library [1]. It does not come with direct
> support for Cayenne but I'm sure those two frameworks could be married
> fairly easily using cayenne's entity templates.
> -dirk
> [1] http://www.jgoodies.com/freeware/libraries/binding/

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