On the DataViews status... Yes, DataViews is no longer a supported technology 
in Cayenne. DataViews was a great and promising framework, but ended up 
archived and removed from the main line of development after its main and only 
developer moved on to other things. The code is there, and Swing hasn't changed 
that much in the last 5 years (Cayenne did somewhat), so given a motivated 
person, it can be resurrected. Otherwise yeah, you'd have to look for data 
bindings elsewhere, or do it traditional Swing way.


On May 31, 2013, at 6:19 PM, Chris Walters <walt...@id.com> wrote:
> I have a need to bind some Cayenne data objects to Swing components in a 
> Netbeans platform-based app.  Google tells me there used to be something 
> called Data Views.  Are they completely gone?  Any other recommendations for 
> binding data objects to Swing components if so?
> Am I showing how out of touch I am by even contemplating this combination?

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