On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 8:34 PM, Ashley Aitken <mrhat...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Having used to actively develop Cayenne applications, but more
>> recently having to develop using JPA, which uses an AR approach, I can
>> say that it doesn't actually work or help to mix AR and Unit-of-work
>> Cayenne DataContext concepts.   You end up trying to imitate a
>> scratchpad area using a database transaction, which leaves an ongoing
>> open database connection for each DataContext.   JPA entities don't
>> have any easy way to be worked on as a group short of an active
>> database transaction.
> I understand that JPA group actions (e.g. saves) are tied to a database 
> transaction but I don't see why you feel this is an AR approach?  AR to me is 
> when you call save, for example, on individual objects etc.
> AR for me is more synonymous with RubyOnRails.  That said, there is 
> apparently an ActiveRecord implementation for Java, called ActiveJDBC (see 
> Wikipedia).

You know what.   You're absolutely right.   My coworkers implemented
an AR scheme on top of JPA where entity.save() calls em.persist() --
JPA itself isn't AR.  My bad.  So really, JPA is the worst of both
worlds :-)

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