Oh and if you are committing to 2 DBs in separate transactions, just forget all 
these XA transactions, and just use Cayenne as normal, using ObjectContext 
instances from an appropriate runtime. 

Oh, just remember that a Cayenne TX is bound to the current execution thread. 
So while ServerRuntime being a singleton is red herring, make sure there's no 
TX overlap within a request thread, either because you have manual 
transactions, or e.g. you have listeners that commit to another DB within the 
first DB commit.


On Mar 19, 2012, at 5:30 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

> Hi there,
> This seems to be a duplicate of the earlier message. John gave a completely 
> correct answer about ServerRuntime and ObjectContext scoping. 
>> Maybe I'm not correctly using Cayenne to manage transaction when we have
>> more than one server runtime. If so, what's the best way to achieve that
>> please?
> If you have 2 runtimes accessing 2 independent databases, and want to commit 
> 2 contexts to those together, you can either commit them independently 
> (c1.commitChanges(); c2.commitChanges(); - they won't be a part of the same 
> transaction with all the consequences), or find a solution for distributed 
> transaction management (so called XA transactions). In the later case you can 
> check "External Transactions" in Cayenne, and let the JEE container handle 
> those.
> I'd much prefer the former solution and the app dealing with consequences, to 
> much heavier XA transactions. But Cayenne would allow you to use the later by 
> absolving itself of TX handling responsibility and letting you or your 
> appserver to handle all that two-phase commit fun stuff.
> Andrus
> On Mar 19, 2012, at 5:10 PM, YK 7 wrote:
>> Andrus,
>> I'm new to Cayenne and I'm testing the Cayenne's transaction management
>> using the following scenario:
>> I have a simple web application that uses Spring to create
>> singletons(Services, DAOs...) and make the dependencies injection.
>> My example is using two different Databases (MySQL and Oracle) and thus, I
>> have defined two Cayenne Server Runtimes:
>> One for Oracle and one for MySQL. Those two ServerRuntimes are instantiated
>> once in a singleton.
>> I'm trying to use Cayenne Transactions using :
>> Transaction tx = serverRuntime.getDataDomain().createTransaction().
>> ....
>> tx.commit(); //or tx.rollback() depending on the situation
>> The problem here is that if I do so, it means that if a user(or HTTP
>> session) changes are committed, all other users(or HTTP sessions) changes
>> will also be committed.
>> This is because serverRuntime is a singleton and the transaction is created
>> against it (and not against the objectContext which is bound to the HTTP
>> session).
>> I also took a look at the ServerRuntime source code and noticed that it
>> defines two instance properties (injector and modules which are in the
>> parent class: CayenneRuntime).
>> If I'm not mistaken, this means that ServerRuntime is not a good candidate
>> to be defined as a singleton (one instance per application).
>> Maybe I'm not correctly using Cayenne to manage transaction when we have
>> more than one server runtime. If so, what's the best way to achieve that
>> please?
>> Thanks

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