Andrus, I'm new to Cayenne and I'm testing the Cayenne's transaction management using the following scenario:
I have a simple web application that uses Spring to create singletons(Services, DAOs...) and make the dependencies injection. My example is using two different Databases (MySQL and Oracle) and thus, I have defined two Cayenne Server Runtimes: One for Oracle and one for MySQL. Those two ServerRuntimes are instantiated once in a singleton. I'm trying to use Cayenne Transactions using : Transaction tx = serverRuntime.getDataDomain().createTransaction(). .... tx.commit(); //or tx.rollback() depending on the situation The problem here is that if I do so, it means that if a user(or HTTP session) changes are committed, all other users(or HTTP sessions) changes will also be committed. This is because serverRuntime is a singleton and the transaction is created against it (and not against the objectContext which is bound to the HTTP session). I also took a look at the ServerRuntime source code and noticed that it defines two instance properties (injector and modules which are in the parent class: CayenneRuntime). If I'm not mistaken, this means that ServerRuntime is not a good candidate to be defined as a singleton (one instance per application). Maybe I'm not correctly using Cayenne to manage transaction when we have more than one server runtime. If so, what's the best way to achieve that please? Thanks