Le 2011-12-06 à 15:06, John Huss a écrit :

> On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Pascal Robert <prob...@macti.ca> wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> Enum Attributes is also supported by EOF, have a look at the javaEnum from
>> Wonder.
>> Also, do you think the Project Wonder Veogen templates could be rewritten
>> to make calls to Cayenne instead of EOF? For example, having the
>> createEntityName method to create a new "EO"? Might be a solution from
>> people who wants to migrate from EOF to Cayenne while not needing to
>> rewrite all of their EOF calls.
> Yes, you can get very close to a drop in replacement with a few wrapper
> classes around Cayenne.  In my experimenting I was able to migrate a couple
> small apps with just a handful of manual changes after creating some
> wrappers and a compatible EO template.  The useful parts of that work are
> in the ERCayenne framework and example:
> - EOModel converter
> - Entity template (almost completely implementing the content of the
> WonderEntity template)
> - Entity superclass adding KVC to Cayenne
> - Key class for replacing ERXKey
> My manual changes were to change declarations of type EOQualifier to
> Expression like
> EOQualifier qual = ...
> Expression qual = ....
> And to change .and(qualifier) to .andExp(qualifier)

Ok, so next question: what are the alternatives to Direct2Web (I suspect that 
D2W won't work with Cayenne) and ERRest? Sure, some REST frameworks like 
RestEasy exists in the J2EE world, but would they will create and filter 
CayenneDataObject objects? This is what I like a lot about ERRest, it do a lot 
of work for us.

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