On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 1:19 PM, Joseph Senecal <sene...@apple.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the detailed comparison!
> The one error I saw was: Embeddable relationships (related objects stored
> in same table as the source)
> Many times I've done a Master->Detail relationship in EOF where both the
> Master and the Detail are the same table (and the same Class). I didn't
> have to do anything special to implement this.

Thanks for the info.

> As for which has better Entity Templates, I don't know. But I do know that
> the ProjectWonder templates allow me to generate the plural version of a
> class name where the Cayenne template does not. I discovered this when I
> tried to generate method names along the lines of "fetchTests" for class
> Test (to hide the casting to List<Test>). I had to settle for
> "fetchTestList" instead.

This is actually available in trunk now:

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