While I've never seen hung transactions in my apps, there were other
users [1] who are seeing some strangeness. So let's try to figure out
what's going on.
1. What DataSource are you using - Cayenne-provided or some other
(e.g. container-provided). Either should work of course, but this
information should help in debugging.
2. Are you using container-managed transactions? If you are, you have
to check "container-managed transactions" [2], and ensure that
whatever transaction mechanism is used (i.e. explicit J2EE
UserTransactions), you commit them explicitly.
These are the starting points to debug the transactions.
[1] http://objectstyle.org/cayenne/lists/cayenne-user/2007/04/0019.html
[2] http://cayenne.apache.org/doc/understanding-transactions.html
On Apr 3, 2007, at 12:03 PM, jerome moliere wrote:
Thanks for your reply michael,
i was wondering about my code ....
2007/4/3, Michael Gentry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hmm, this is interesting. I've noticed transactions uncommitted
Sybase DB, too. I've usually attributed this to a problem with
the Sybase
connection getting stale or something else going awry inside the
because our process (and the connection to the DB) is long-running
(a web
application that is hardly ever restarted) and the problem only
it has been running for a while and a restart of the application
problem up (fetching data from the DB still works in our case,
though). It
sounds like yours isn't that long-term of a connection, though.
Now I'm
wondering if there is a problem with the Sybase driver or
something inside
Cayenne. Is there any chance you can make a repeatable test
case? Our
experience with the issue has been very intermittent and not
and Cayenne was always logging the proper SQL.
in fact it's very simple, i'll try to make a small drawing of my test:
App1 = thread querying a table all 10 seconds
after the first query -> send a message on a tibco queue
App 2 = wait for notification on the tibco queue
get the item (id passed into the message) then update this record (one
send a message for notifying about field update via tibco
App 3 = wait for the notification and displays the new value (once
query on db)
SO at this point app1 runs but with bad results after the first query
App2 seems to work but does'nt commit
App3 is never notified...
I'll try to package a small test case using openjms ?
It's very disappointing because Sybase is the database choice from my
customers (like in many financial companies)...
On 4/3/07, jerome moliere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm doing a proof of concepts of several tricky usage from orm ,
one of
> the
> 2 implementations is Cayenne...
> I've one scenario where 3 process (stand-alone Java
applications) use
> same table on db and communicate via Tibco rendez vous...
> It works fine with Hibernate, but I 've got several problems with
> cayenne...
> latest one is while updating one object in one of these
> invoking commitChanges() on my context, nothing happens..
> the query logger shows me a trans begin, the right update query
but this
> transaction is never committed
> strange isn't it ?
> This is the output (excerpt )from my process trying to update one
> [java] INFO QueryLogger - +++ Connecting: SUCCESS.
> [java] INFO QueryLogger - --- transaction started.
> [java] INFO DbAdapterFactoryChain - DB name: Adaptive Server
> Enterprise
> [java] INFO QueryLogger - Detected and installed adapter:
> org.apache.cayenne.dba.sybase.SybaseAdapter
> [java] INFO QueryLogger - SELECT t0.AggregationCurrency,
> t0.AllowFixing, t0.FixingAskSpread, t0.FixingBidSpread,
> t0.IsLocal, t0.OISRoundingConv, t0.Currencies_Id FROM
> WHERE t0.Currencies_Id = ? [bind: 105] - prepared in 37 ms.
> [java] INFO QueryLogger - === returned 1 row. - took 71 ms.
> [java] INFO QueryLogger - +++ transaction committed.
> [java] INFO CayenneCurrencyDAOImpl - before update
> to = Y
> [java] INFO CayenneCurrencyDAOImpl - after update this
filed is
> set to = N
> [java] INFO QueryLogger - --- will run 1 query.
> [java] INFO QueryLogger - --- transaction started.
> [java] INFO QueryLogger - UPDATE dbo.CurrenciesLocT SET
> ?
> WHERE Currencies_Id = ?
> [java] INFO QueryLogger - [bind: 'N', 105]
> druid shows me that the tranaction is never committed, like one
of the
> other
> applications lauching as a daemon a query on this table (does
not show
> update because there are not..)
> Any clue ?
> cheers
> jerome
> --
> Jerome Moliere - Mentor/J
> http://romjethoughts.blogspot.com/
> auteur Eyrolles
Jerome Moliere - Mentor/J
auteur Eyrolles