Hi all, I'm doing a proof of concepts of several tricky usage from orm , one of the 2 implementations is Cayenne... I've one scenario where 3 process (stand-alone Java applications) use the same table on db and communicate via Tibco rendez vous... It works fine with Hibernate, but I 've got several problems with cayenne... latest one is while updating one object in one of these applications, invoking commitChanges() on my context, nothing happens.. the query logger shows me a trans begin, the right update query but this transaction is never committed strange isn't it ? This is the output (excerpt )from my process trying to update one entity:
[java] INFO QueryLogger - +++ Connecting: SUCCESS. [java] INFO QueryLogger - --- transaction started. [java] INFO DbAdapterFactoryChain - DB name: Adaptive Server Enterprise [java] INFO QueryLogger - Detected and installed adapter: org.apache.cayenne.dba.sybase.SybaseAdapter [java] INFO QueryLogger - SELECT t0.AggregationCurrency, t0.AllowFixing, t0.FixingAskSpread, t0.FixingBidSpread, t0.IsIslamic, t0.IsLocal, t0.OISRoundingConv, t0.Currencies_Id FROM dbo.CurrenciesLocT t0 WHERE t0.Currencies_Id = ? [bind: 105] - prepared in 37 ms. [java] INFO QueryLogger - === returned 1 row. - took 71 ms. [java] INFO QueryLogger - +++ transaction committed. [java] INFO CayenneCurrencyDAOImpl - before update isIslamicChar set to = Y [java] INFO CayenneCurrencyDAOImpl - after update this filed is now set to = N [java] INFO QueryLogger - --- will run 1 query. [java] INFO QueryLogger - --- transaction started. [java] INFO QueryLogger - UPDATE dbo.CurrenciesLocT SET IsIslamic = ? WHERE Currencies_Id = ? [java] INFO QueryLogger - [bind: 'N', 105] druid shows me that the tranaction is never committed, like one of the other applications lauching as a daemon a query on this table (does not show any update because there are not..) Any clue ? cheers jerome -- Jerome Moliere - Mentor/J http://romjethoughts.blogspot.com/ auteur Eyrolles