Hello again,

On 15/03/2007, at 12:15 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

One last try at guessing it. On the server you have to do some magic to enable callbacks (hopefully eventually this will be more transparent). See "Enabling Callbacks" chapter at the bottom of this page:


if this doesn't help, please file a bug with code samples.

You were right. I'd not read far enough down the page. It is somewhat convoluted to implement I must say. I'm now subclassing ObjectContextCallbackInterceptor to add a couple of methods to it (e.g., like hasChanges() etc from DataContext).

There's one other problem that this now imposes: previously using a DataContext we could do: Object someInstance = dc.objectFromDataRow( entityClass, someDataRow, refreshes );

Would this now be the best solution?

public class ObjectContext extends ObjectContextCallbackInterceptor
        private DataContext _dataContext;
public DataObject objectFromDataRow( Class entityClass, DataRow paymentRow, boolean refresh )
                DataObject anObject;
anObject = _dataContext.objectFromDataRow( entityClass, paymentRow, refresh );
                if ( anObject != null )
                        return ( DataObject )localObject( 
anObject.getObjectId(), anObject );
                return null;

Otherwise it seems to return an object that seems to be in the wrong context so far as addToOneRelationship etc is concerned...

Be nice if ObjectContext, DataContext et al were better unified. Or that DataObjectUtils could return an object for a DataRow to abstract all this.

with regards,

Lachlan Deck

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