Hi Aaron,

Sorry for the late reply, was dealing with a production issue (maybe
another topic for Cassandra Summit :-)). Are you running on your local
machine? Then yes, you do need to enable the config for all the following
enable_partition_denylist: true

enable_denylist_writes: true
enable_denylist_reads: true
enable_denylist_range_reads: true

I am not sure enable_partition_denylist will enable for the rest of
three @Jordan
West <jord...@netflix.com>  maybe you can confirm for that? But it's better
to enable for all just to be safe.
I will play by my side and get back to you soon about the composite keys.


On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 1:42 PM Aaron Ploetz <aaronplo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Just checking, but for this to work, do I have to mess with these settings
> in the YAML at all?
> partition_denylist_enabled: true
> denylist_reads_enabled: true
> They're commented out by default.
> Thanks,
> Aaron
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 4:53 PM Aaron Ploetz <aaronplo...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Thanks for the help with the INSERT, Cheng!  I'm further along than
>> before.  But it still must not be matching up quite right, because I can
>> still select that partition.
>> I have several different combinations of the two keys (and I removed the
>> space) of "Minneapolis,MN" and 202210.  Here's what I've got out there so
>> far:
>> aaron@cqlsh:stackoverflow> select ks_name, table_name, blobAsText(key)
>> from system_distributed.partition_denylist;
>>  ks_name       | table_name          | system.blobastext(key)
>> ---------------+---------------------+--------------------------
>>  stackoverflow | weather_sensor_data | 'Minneapolis,MN', 202210
>>  stackoverflow | weather_sensor_data |  'Minneapolis,MN',202210
>>  stackoverflow | weather_sensor_data |  'Minneapolis,MN':202210
>>  stackoverflow | weather_sensor_data |   Minneapolis,MN, 202210
>>  stackoverflow | weather_sensor_data |     Minneapolis,MN202210
>>  stackoverflow | weather_sensor_data |    Minneapolis,MN:202210
>> (6 rows)
>> aaron@cqlsh:stackoverflow> SELECT * FROM weather_sensor_data WHERE
>> city='Minneapolis,MN' AND month=202210;
>>  city           | month  | recorded_time                   | temp
>> ----------------+--------+---------------------------------+------
>>  Minneapolis,MN | 202210 | 2022-10-17 11:30:00.000000+0000 |    1
>>  Minneapolis,MN | 202210 | 2022-10-17 11:25:00.000000+0000 |    1
>>  Minneapolis,MN | 202210 | 2022-10-17 11:20:00.000000+0000 |    1
>>  Minneapolis,MN | 202210 | 2022-10-17 11:15:00.000000+0000 |    1
>>  Minneapolis,MN | 202210 | 2022-10-17 11:10:00.000000+0000 |    2
>>  Minneapolis,MN | 202210 | 2022-10-17 11:05:00.000000+0000 |    2
>>  Minneapolis,MN | 202210 | 2022-10-17 11:00:00.000000+0000 |    2
>> (7 rows)
>> As you can see, I can still select the partition.  I was really hoping
>> one of those combinations would do it.
>> Looking at the StorageProxyTest.java in the project, I saw that it was
>> delimited by a colon ":", which is why I tried that, too.
>> Still looking for the right way to enter both of those keys.
>> Thanks,
>> Aaron
>> On Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 4:40 PM Cheng Wang <che...@netflix.com> wrote:
>>> Another approach is, instead of using $$, you can put additional pair of
>>> single quote around the 'Minneapolis, MN'
>>> cqlsh> insert into system_distributed.partition_denylist (ks_name,
>>> table_name, key) values ('stackoverflow', 'weather_sensor_data',
>>> textAsBlob('''Minneapolis, MN'', 202210'));
>>> cqlsh> select ks_name, table_name, blobAsText(key) from
>>> system_distributed.partition_denylist;
>>>  ks_name       | table_name          | system.blobastext(key)
>>> ---------------+---------------------+---------------------------
>>>  stackoverflow | weather_sensor_data | 'Minneapolis, MN', 202210
>>> On Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 2:30 PM Cheng Wang <che...@netflix.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Aaron,
>>>> Yes, you can directly insert into the system_distributed.partition_denylist
>>>> instead of using JMX. Jordan wrote a blog post for denylist
>>>> https://cassandra.apache.org/_/blog/Apache-Cassandra-4.1-Denylisting-Partitions.html
>>>> And the syntax error, one way around is to put $$ around like below
>>>> cqlsh> insert into system_distributed.partition_denylist (ks_name,
>>>> table_name, key) values ('stackoverflow', 'weather_sensor_data',
>>>> textAsBlob($$'Minneapolis, MN', 202210$$));
>>>> There is post about this
>>>> https://docs.datastax.com/en/cql-oss/3.3/cql/cql_reference/escape_char_r.html#:~:text=Column%20names%20that%20contain%20characters,using%20a%20single%20quotation%20mark
>>>> .
>>>> and then you can verify the insert by doing
>>>> cqlsh> select ks_name, table_name, blobAsText(key) from
>>>> system_distributed.partition_denylist;
>>>>  ks_name       | table_name          | system.blobastext(key)
>>>> ---------------+---------------------+---------------------------
>>>>  stackoverflow | weather_sensor_data | 'Minneapolis, MN', 202210
>>>> Pls let me know if it works for you.
>>>> On Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 1:35 PM Aaron Ploetz <aaronplo...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I have this table definition:
>>>>> CREATE TABLE stackoverflow.weather_sensor_data (
>>>>>     city text,
>>>>>     month int,
>>>>>     recorded_time timestamp,
>>>>>     temp float,
>>>>>     PRIMARY KEY ((city, month), recorded_time)
>>>>> ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (recorded_time DESC)
>>>>> Sample data looks like this:
>>>>> > SELECT * FROM weather_sensor_data WHERE city='Minneapolis, MN' AND
>>>>> month=202111;
>>>>>  city            | month  | recorded_time                   | temp
>>>>> -----------------+--------+---------------------------------+------
>>>>>  Minneapolis, MN | 202111 | 2021-11-01 08:35:00.000000+0000 |    3
>>>>>  Minneapolis, MN | 202111 | 2021-11-01 08:30:00.000000+0000 |    3
>>>>>  Minneapolis, MN | 202111 | 2021-11-01 08:25:00.000000+0000 |    2
>>>>>  Minneapolis, MN | 202111 | 2021-11-01 08:20:00.000000+0000 |    2
>>>>>  Minneapolis, MN | 202111 | 2021-11-01 08:15:00.000000+0000 |    2
>>>>> (5 rows)
>>>>> Using JMX Term, I've tried to denylist that partition, but I must have
>>>>> the syntax for composite keys incorrect:
>>>>> $>bean org.apache.cassandra.db:type=StorageProxy
>>>>> $>run denylistKey stackoverflow weather_sensor_data "'Minneapolis,
>>>>> MN',202210"
>>>>> #IllegalArgumentException: Operation denylistKey with 4 parameters
>>>>> doesn't exist in bean org.apache.cassandra.db:type=StorageProxy
>>>>> Obviously, it's reading the space between "Minneapolis," and "MN" as a
>>>>> delimiter.  What's the right way to handle commas, spaces, and composite
>>>>> keys for this?
>>>>> Also, is there another way to accomplish this without using JMX?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Aaron

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