Hi Aaron,

Yes, you can directly insert into the system_distributed.partition_denylist
instead of using JMX. Jordan wrote a blog post for denylist

And the syntax error, one way around is to put $$ around like below

cqlsh> insert into system_distributed.partition_denylist (ks_name,
table_name, key) values ('stackoverflow', 'weather_sensor_data',
textAsBlob($$'Minneapolis, MN', 202210$$));

There is post about this

and then you can verify the insert by doing

cqlsh> select ks_name, table_name, blobAsText(key) from

 ks_name       | table_name          | system.blobastext(key)


 stackoverflow | weather_sensor_data | 'Minneapolis, MN', 202210
Pls let me know if it works for you.

On Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 1:35 PM Aaron Ploetz <aaronplo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have this table definition:
> CREATE TABLE stackoverflow.weather_sensor_data (
>     city text,
>     month int,
>     recorded_time timestamp,
>     temp float,
>     PRIMARY KEY ((city, month), recorded_time)
> Sample data looks like this:
> > SELECT * FROM weather_sensor_data WHERE city='Minneapolis, MN' AND
> month=202111;
>  city            | month  | recorded_time                   | temp
> -----------------+--------+---------------------------------+------
>  Minneapolis, MN | 202111 | 2021-11-01 08:35:00.000000+0000 |    3
>  Minneapolis, MN | 202111 | 2021-11-01 08:30:00.000000+0000 |    3
>  Minneapolis, MN | 202111 | 2021-11-01 08:25:00.000000+0000 |    2
>  Minneapolis, MN | 202111 | 2021-11-01 08:20:00.000000+0000 |    2
>  Minneapolis, MN | 202111 | 2021-11-01 08:15:00.000000+0000 |    2
> (5 rows)
> Using JMX Term, I've tried to denylist that partition, but I must have the
> syntax for composite keys incorrect:
> $>bean org.apache.cassandra.db:type=StorageProxy
> $>run denylistKey stackoverflow weather_sensor_data "'Minneapolis,
> MN',202210"
> #IllegalArgumentException: Operation denylistKey with 4 parameters doesn't
> exist in bean org.apache.cassandra.db:type=StorageProxy
> Obviously, it's reading the space between "Minneapolis," and "MN" as a
> delimiter.  What's the right way to handle commas, spaces, and composite
> keys for this?
> Also, is there another way to accomplish this without using JMX?
> Thanks,
> Aaron

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