any inputs here?

On Sat, May 2, 2020 at 12:49 PM Jai Bheemsen Rao Dhanwada <> wrote:

> Hello Alain,
> Thanks for your suggestions.
> Surprisingly, the node which is in unreachable state, is not present in
> any of the system tables. I am wondering, where the information is coming
> from.
> I checked system.peers for the IP in UNREACHABLE state and it's not
> present. I tried restart of Cassandra service as well.
> On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 5:59 AM Alain RODRIGUEZ <>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Assuming you nodes are out for a while and you don't need the data after
>> 60 days (or cannot get it anyway), the way to fix this is to force the node
>> out. I would try, in this order:
>> - nodetool removenode HOSTID
>> - nodetool removenode force
>> These 2 might really not work at this stage, but if they do, this is a
>> clean way to do so.
>> Now, to really push the ghost nodes to the exit door, it often takes:
>> - nodetool assassinate
>> I think Cassandra 2.1 doesn't have it, you might have to use JMX, more
>> details here:
>> ):
>> echo "run -b
>>> unsafeAssassinateEndpoint $IP_TO_ASSASSINATE"  | java -jar
>>> jmxterm-1.0.0-uber.jar -l $IP_OF_LIVE_NODE:7199
>> This should really remove the traces of the node, without any safety, no
>> streaming, no checks, just get rid of it. So to use with a lot of care and
>> understanding. In your situation I guess this is what will work.
>> As a last attempt, you could try removing traces of the dead node(s) from
>> all the live nodes 'system.peers' table. This table is local to each node,
>> so the DELETE command is to be send to all the nodes (that have a trace of
>> an old node).
>> - cqlsh -e "DELETE  $IP_TO_REMOVE FROM system.peers;"
>> but I see the node IPs in UNREACHABLE state in "nodetool describecluster"
>>> output. I believe  they appear only for 72 hours, but in my case I see
>>> those nodes in UNREACHABLE for ever (more than 60 days)
>> To be more accurate,  you should never see leaving node as unreachable I
>> believe (not even for 72 hours). The 72 hours is the time Gossip should
>> continue referencing the old nodes. Typically when you remove the ghost
>> nodes, they should no longer appear in 'nodetool describe' cluster at all,
>>  I would say immediately, but still appear in 'nodetool gossipinfo' with a
>> 'left' or 'remove' status.
>> I hope that helps and that one of the above will do the trick (I'd bet on
>> the assassinate :)). Also sorry it took us a while to answer you this
>> relatively common question :);
>> C*heers,
>> -----------------------
>> Alain Rodriguez -
>> France / Spain
>> The Last Pickle - Apache Cassandra Consulting
>> Le jeu. 13 juin 2019 à 00:55, Jai Bheemsen Rao Dhanwada <
>>> a écrit :
>>> Hello,
>>> I have a Cassandra cluster running with 2.1.16 version of Cassandra,
>>> where I have decommissioned few nodes from the cluster using "nodetool
>>> decommission", but I see the node IPs in UNREACHABLE state in "nodetool
>>> describecluster" output. I believe  they appear only for 72 hours, but in
>>> my case I see those nodes in UNREACHABLE for ever (more than 60 days).
>>> Rolling restart of the nodes didn't remove them. any idea what could be
>>> causing here?
>>> Note: I don't see them in the nodetool status output.

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