Thanks Unfortunately yes! this is a production, That's the only thing i have! and I'm going to use ESX (I'm not worried about throughput overhead although stress tests shows no problem with esx some thing like throughput of cassandra on single physical server < 3 * nodes on the same server)
If i use like 3 nodes per physical server, using rf=3 and config nodes on every physical server to be in same rac (Cassandra config), and if one of my server (with 3 nodes on it) failed would the data be lost ? and my application fails (using write consistency = 3 and read consistency =1) ? Sent using Zoho Mail ---- On Wed, 28 Feb 2018 08:13:01 +0330 daemeon reiydelle <> wrote ---- Docker will provide less per node overhead. And yes, virtualizing smaller nodes out of a bigger physical makes sense. Of course you lose the per node failure protection, but I guess this is not production? <======> "Who do you think made the first stone spear? The Asperger guy. If you get rid of the autism genetics, there would be no Silicon Valley" Temple Grandin Daemeon C.M. Reiydelle San Francisco 1.415.501.0198 London 44 020 8144 9872 On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 8:26 PM, onmstester onmstester <> wrote: What i've got to set up my Apache Cassandra cluster are some Servers with 20 Core cpu * 2 Threads and 128 GB ram and 8 * 2TB disk. Just read all over the web: Do not use big nodes for your cluster, i'm convinced to run multiple nodes on a single physical server. So the question is which technology should i use: Docker or Virtualiztion (ESX)? Any exprience? Sent using Zoho Mail