Thanks Zhao Yang,

> Could you try some jvm tool to find out which thread are allocating
memory or gc? maybe the migration stage thread..

I use Cassandra Cluster Manager to locally reproduce the issue. I tried to
use VisualVM to find out which threads are allocating memory, but VisualVM
does not see cassandra processes and says "Cannot open application with
pid". Then I tried to use YourKit Java Profiler. It created snapshot when
process of one cassandra node failed. - how
CPU is used by threads. - how memory is used
by threads, but biggest part of memory is used by objects without
allocation information. - which objects use
biggest part of memory. Maybe you know some other good jvm tool that can
show by which threads biggest part of memory is used?

> BTW, is your cluster under high load while dropping table?

LA5 was <= 5 on all nodes almost all time while dropping tables


2017-04-21 19:49 GMT+03:00 Jasonstack Zhao Yang <

> Hi Bohdan, Carlos,
> Could you try some jvm tool to find out which thread are allocating memory
> or gc? maybe the migration stage thread..
> BTW, is your cluster under high load while dropping table?
> As far as I remember, in older c* version, it applies the schema mutation
> in memory, ie. DROP, then flush all schema info into sstable, then reads
> all on disk schema into memory (5k tables info + related column info)..
> > You also might need to increase the node count if you're resource
> constrained.
> More nodes won't help and most probably make it worse due to coordination.
> Zhao Yang
> On Fri, 21 Apr 2017 at 21:10 Bohdan Tantsiura <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Problem is still not solved. Does anybody have any idea what to do with
>> it?
>> Thanks
>> 2017-04-20 15:05 GMT+03:00 Bohdan Tantsiura <>:
>>> Thanks Carlos,
>>> In each keyspace we also have 11 MVs.
>>> It is impossible to reduce number of tables now. Long GC Pauses take
>>> about one minute. But why it takes so much time and how that can be fixed?
>>> Each node in cluster has 128GB RAM, so resources are not constrained now
>>> Thanks
>>> 2017-04-20 13:18 GMT+03:00 Carlos Rolo <>:
>>>> You have 4800 Tables in total? That is a lot of tables, plus MVs? or
>>>> MVs are already considered in the 60*80 account?
>>>> I would recommend to reduce the table number. Other thing is that you
>>>> need to check your log file for GC Pauses, and how long those pauses take.
>>>> You also might need to increase the node count if you're resource
>>>> constrained.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Carlos Juzarte Rolo
>>>> Cassandra Consultant / Datastax Certified Architect / Cassandra MVP
>>>> Pythian - Love your data
>>>> rolo@pythian | Twitter: @cjrolo | Skype: cjr2k3 | Linkedin:
>>>> *
>>>> <>*
>>>> Mobile: +351 918 918 100 <+351%20918%20918%20100>
>>>> On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 11:10 AM, Bohdan Tantsiura <
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> We are using cassandra 3.10 in a 10 nodes cluster with replication =
>>>>> 3. MAX_HEAP_SIZE=64GB on all nodes, G1 GC is used. We have about 60
>>>>> keyspaces with about 80 tables in each keyspace. We had to delete three
>>>>> tables and two materialized views from each keyspace. It began to take 
>>>>> more
>>>>> and more time for each next keyspace (for some keyspaces it took about 30
>>>>> minutes) and then failed with "Cannot achieve consistency level ALL". 
>>>>> After
>>>>> restarting the same repeated. It seems that cassandra hangs on GC. How 
>>>>> that
>>>>> can be solved?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>> --

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