
Problem is still not solved. Does anybody have any idea what to do with it?


2017-04-20 15:05 GMT+03:00 Bohdan Tantsiura <bohdan...@gmail.com>:

> Thanks Carlos,
> In each keyspace we also have 11 MVs.
> It is impossible to reduce number of tables now. Long GC Pauses take about
> one minute. But why it takes so much time and how that can be fixed?
> Each node in cluster has 128GB RAM, so resources are not constrained now
> Thanks
> 2017-04-20 13:18 GMT+03:00 Carlos Rolo <r...@pythian.com>:
>> You have 4800 Tables in total? That is a lot of tables, plus MVs? or MVs
>> are already considered in the 60*80 account?
>> I would recommend to reduce the table number. Other thing is that you
>> need to check your log file for GC Pauses, and how long those pauses take.
>> You also might need to increase the node count if you're resource
>> constrained.
>> Regards,
>> Carlos Juzarte Rolo
>> Cassandra Consultant / Datastax Certified Architect / Cassandra MVP
>> Pythian - Love your data
>> rolo@pythian | Twitter: @cjrolo | Skype: cjr2k3 | Linkedin:
>> *linkedin.com/in/carlosjuzarterolo
>> <http://linkedin.com/in/carlosjuzarterolo>*
>> Mobile: +351 918 918 100 <+351%20918%20918%20100>
>> www.pythian.com
>> On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 11:10 AM, Bohdan Tantsiura <bohdan...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We are using cassandra 3.10 in a 10 nodes cluster with replication = 3.
>>> MAX_HEAP_SIZE=64GB on all nodes, G1 GC is used. We have about 60 keyspaces
>>> with about 80 tables in each keyspace. We had to delete three tables and
>>> two materialized views from each keyspace. It began to take more and more
>>> time for each next keyspace (for some keyspaces it took about 30 minutes)
>>> and then failed with "Cannot achieve consistency level ALL". After
>>> restarting the same repeated. It seems that cassandra hangs on GC. How that
>>> can be solved?
>>> Thanks
>> --

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