Yeah, so what's happening is, I'm running Cassandra thru a docker image in production, and so over there, it is using the datacenter name that I specified thru an env variable.
But on my local machine, Cassandra is annoyingly insisting on 'datacenter1'. So in order to maintain the same .cql scripts for setting up the db, I either need to change the dc name locally or in production. I guess it looks like I should leave it 'datacenter1' in production. On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 1:19 AM, Amit Trivedi <> wrote: > I believe it is coming from system.local. You can verify by executing > > select data_center from system.local; > > I would be careful changing datacenter name, particularly in production. This > is essentially because if change of datacenter requires snitch > configuration change, it may result in stale data depending on token values > and snitch settings and there is a risk of node reporting invalid/ missing > data to client. > > > > On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 4:08 PM, Ali Akhtar <> wrote: > >> So I see this: >> >> cluster_name: 'Test Cluster' >> >> But when I grep -i or ctrl + f for 'datacenter1` in cassandra.yaml, I >> don't see that anywhere except in a comment. >> >> >> Yet when I do nodetool status, I see: datacenter1 >> >> And unless I define my replication as: '{'class': >> 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1' : 3}' when creating my keyspace, >> my inserts / selects don't work because it says 0 replicas available (i.e >> if i use anything other than 'datacenter1' in the above stmt) >> >> I don't see 'datacenter1' in So my question is, which >> file contains 'datacenter1'? >> >> On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 12:54 AM, Adam Hutson <> wrote: >> >>> There is a cluster name in the cassandra.yaml for naming the cluster, >>> aka data center. Then you assign keyspaces to the data center within the >>> CREATE KEYSPACE stmt with NetworkTopology. >>> >>> >>> On Monday, October 10, 2016, Ali Akhtar <> wrote: >>> >>>> Where can I change the default name 'datacenter1'? I've looked through >>>> the configuration files in /etc/cassandra , and can't find where this value >>>> is being defined. >>>> >>> >>> >>> -- >>> >>> Adam Hutson >>> Data Architect | DataScale >>> +1 (417) 224-5212 >>> >>> >> >> >