
It depends on which snitch you are using, but the DC name is
in cassandra-rackdc.properties for the GossipingPropertyFileSnitch.

Best wishes,


On 10 October 2016 at 20:54, Adam Hutson <a...@datascale.io> wrote:

> There is a cluster name in the cassandra.yaml for naming the cluster, aka
> data center. Then you assign keyspaces to the data center within the CREATE
> KEYSPACE stmt with NetworkTopology.
> On Monday, October 10, 2016, Ali Akhtar <ali.rac...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Where can I change the default name 'datacenter1'? I've looked through
>> the configuration files in /etc/cassandra , and can't find where this value
>> is being defined.
> --
> Adam Hutson
> Data Architect | DataScale
> +1 (417) 224-5212
> a...@datascale.io

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