Hi guys,

Firstly, I want to apologize to you all. English is not my first language
and I think sometimes I come across way more harsh than what I mean to. I
am french, I heard french were considered to be aggressive while speaking
;-). But I did not mean to offend anyone.

I took some time to answer every unsubscribe message in the last weeks,
because the first person I sent this message to, thanked me and told me he
get confused because after a search, he saw other people unsubscribed this
way (sending 'unsubscribe') and just copied this behaviour. I did not do it
for fun or to be bad at people but rather to help them out. I also meant to
help us as well as a community reducing the noise in the mailing list since
a search now often returns my answer on how to unsubscribe properly with
the warning that writing to the list will do nothing but noise.

Yet as there are a few unsubscribe messages every week, I created a
template answer I mainly copy / paste each time. A way to make sure to have
a clear and short answer and that I can quickly answer to every
'unsubscribe' message. I wanted to avoid spending that much time on this as
you can imagine...

Over the last 2 months, I have reworked this message to be more concise and
less aggressive, as I considered my first messages to be a bit too
aggressive indeed. I thought this one was ok though.

Let me explain why I did the google stuff.

I think that to have this mailing list working as efficiently as possible
we need 2 things :

- First thing, a good mailing list with nice features and I definitely
agree with this.

First, as you said, people don't read instructions. Second, people forget

+1 (even if I am a believer and I think people do read instructions, they
obviously won't remember, so no matter if people read or not)

I think the overall issue here is that there are many apps that provide an
> "unsubscribe" button that automagically sends these emails.

I think the best course of action would be to bring this up to the powers
> that be to possibly decide on supporting this functionality as a feature.


This may be a silly question, but has anyone considered making the mailing
> list accept unsubscribe requests this way?  Or at least filter them out and
> auto-respond with a message explaining how to unsubscribe?


Yet I am not sure who is in charge here.

- Second thing, people behaving nicely and smartly.

This is a community and the quality and atmosphere is the one we bring as

Meaning I have to be nicer, since a few of you agreed saying my message was
a bit tough.

But also meaning people have to do the basic searches before asking things
here. Everyone manages to subscribe, I just want to remind people that the
method to unsubscribe is the same one, search on google (or whatever you
like). I always try to provide people with the method I used (or even the
command when appropriate) to solve their issue and the result of my
searches, for people to see how I found the information. I didn’t think
telling people to search on google was more patronizing than telling them
to use 'nodetool status' to see if a node is down. It is obviously
something they know about but did not think of using. Plus I gave all the
information, it was not like "Ask google or RTFM", since I added

You did not unsubscribe yet.

And even the solution directly

Sending a message to user-unsubscr...@cassandra.apache.org, as mentioned
> everywhere, should work better and spam less people.

Those are just facts. It's concise, I agree, but be sure of my good
intentions there. I do not spend time being bad at people, this is a lost
of time. I try to help here, as I did for the last 4+ years in this mailing
list now.

So sorry again, I hope you can all accept that there was no harm meant and
I did not mean to be rude.

Thanks all - and I promise I will try my best to communicate less french in
the future ;-)


2016-08-15 16:30 GMT+02:00 James Carman <ja...@carmanconsulting.com>:

> On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 10:28 AM Eric Evans <john.eric.ev...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I'm always surprised when a Google search for 'unsubscribe cassandra'
>> doesn't return mailing list results from people nicely telling someone
>> how to unsubscribe.
> Agreed.  It doesn't make for a very welcoming community to attract new
> contributors, either.

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