Mmm ok, then I think you may need follow the standard dead node replacement

Carlos Alonso | Software Engineer | @calonso <>

On 31 March 2016 at 16:34, Peddi, Praveen <> wrote:

> Hi Carlos,
> In our case, old node is dead and is not accessible. So I am not sure if
> we can use rsync in this case.
> Praveen
> From: Carlos Alonso <>
> Reply-To: "" <>
> Date: Thursday, March 31, 2016 at 10:31 AM
> To: "" <>
> Subject: Re: auto_boorstrap when a node is down
> If that's your use case I've developed a quick disk based replacement
> procedure.
> Basically all it involves is rsyncing the data from the old node to the
> new node and bring the new one as if it was the old one (only the IP will
> change). Step by step details here:
> We've been using it for a while and works nicely and avoids the time,
> resources and baby-sitting consumption of streaming data across nodes.
> Regards
> Carlos Alonso | Software Engineer | @calonso <>
> On 31 March 2016 at 15:26, Peddi, Praveen <> wrote:
>> Hi Paulo,
>> Thanks a lot for detailed explanation. Our usecase is that, when one node
>> goes down, a new node in the same AZ comes up immediately (5 to 10 mins)
>> and it is safe to assume that no other nodes in another AZ are down at this
>> point of time. So based on your explanation, using
>> -Dcassandra.consistent.rangemovement=false seems like the way to go for our
>> usecase. I will test it with that option.
>> Thanks again.
>> Praveen
>> From: Paulo Motta <>
>> Reply-To: "" <>
>> Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2016 at 10:55 AM
>> To: "" <>
>> Subject: Re: auto_boorstrap when a node is down
>> When you add a node it will take over the range of an existing node, and
>> thus it should stream data from it to maintain consistency. If the existing
>> node is unavailable, the new node may fetch the data from a different
>> replica, which may not have some of data from the node which you are taking
>> the range for, what may break consistency.
>> For example, imagine a ring with nodes A, B and C, RF=3. The row X=1 maps
>> to node A and is replicated in nodes B and C, so the initial arrangement
>> will be:
>> A(X=1), B(X=1) and C(X=1)
>> Node B is down and you write X=2 to A, which replicates the data only to
>> C since B is down (and hinted handoff is disabled). The write succeeds at
>> QUORUM. The new arragement becomes:
>> A(X=2), B(X=1), C(X=2) (if any of the nodes is down, any read at QUORUM
>> will fetch the correct value of X=2)
>> Now imagine you add a new node D between A and B. If D streams data from
>> A, the new replica group will become:
>> A, D(X=2), B(X=1), C(X=2) (if any of the nodes is down, any read at
>> QUORUM will fetch the correct value of X=2)
>> But if A is down when you bootstrap D and you have
>> -Dcassandra.consistent.rangemovement=false, D may stream data from B, so
>> the new replica group will be:
>> A, D(X=1), B(X=1), C(X=2)
>> Now, if C becomes down, reads at QUORUM will succeed but return the stale
>> value of X=1, so consistency is broken.
>> If you're continuously running repair, have hinted handoff and read
>> repair enabled, the probability of something like this happening will
>> decrease, but it may still happen. If this is not a problem you may use
>> option -Dcassandra.consistent.rangemovement=false to bootstrap a node when
>> another node is down. See CASSANDRA-2434 for more background.
>> 2016-03-30 11:14 GMT-03:00 Peddi, Praveen <>:
>>> Hello all,
>>> We just upgraded to 2.2.4 (from 2.0.9) and we noticed one issue when new
>>> nodes are added. When we add a new node when no nodes are down in the
>>> cluster, everything works fine but when we add new node while 1 node is
>>> down, I am seeing following error. My understanding was when auto_bootstrap
>>> is enabled, bootstrapping process uses QUORUM consistency so it should work
>>> when one node is down. Is that not correct? Is there a way to add a new
>>> node with bootstrapping, but not using replace address option? We use auto
>>> scaling and new node gets added automatically when one node goes down and
>>> since its all scripted I can’t use replace address in file
>>> as a one-time option.
>>> One fallback mechanism we could use is to disable auto bootstrap and let
>>> read repairs populate the data over time but its not ideal. Is this even a
>>> good alternative to this failure?
>>> ERROR 20:30:45 Exception encountered during startup
>>> java.lang.RuntimeException: A node required to move the data
>>> consistently is down (/xx.xx.xx.xx). If you wish to move the data from a
>>> potentially inconsistent replica, restart the node with
>>> -Dcassandra.consistent.rangemovement=false
>>> Praveen

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