Hello all,
We just upgraded to 2.2.4 (from 2.0.9) and we noticed one issue when new nodes 
are added. When we add a new node when no nodes are down in the cluster, 
everything works fine but when we add new node while 1 node is down, I am 
seeing following error. My understanding was when auto_bootstrap is enabled, 
bootstrapping process uses QUORUM consistency so it should work when one node 
is down. Is that not correct? Is there a way to add a new node with 
bootstrapping, but not using replace address option? We use auto scaling and 
new node gets added automatically when one node goes down and since its all 
scripted I can't use replace address in cassandra-env.sh file as a one-time 

One fallback mechanism we could use is to disable auto bootstrap and let read 
repairs populate the data over time but its not ideal. Is this even a good 
alternative to this failure?

ERROR 20:30:45 Exception encountered during startup
java.lang.RuntimeException: A node required to move the data consistently is 
down (/xx.xx.xx.xx). If you wish to move the data from a potentially 
inconsistent replica, restart the node with 


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