How far out of sync are the nodes? A few minutes or less? Many hours?

Worst case, you could simply take the entire cluster down until that future
time has passed and then bring it back up.

-- Jack Krupansky

On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 11:27 AM, Jeff Jirsa <>

> If you don’t overwrite or delete data, it’s not a concern.
> If the clocks show a time in the past instead of in the future, it’s not a
> concern.
> If the clock has drifted significantly into the future, when you start NTP
> you may be writing data with timestamps lower than timestamps on data that
> already exists. In this case, the existing data (with timestamps in the
> future) may take precedence over new writes (with correct timestamps).
> From: K F
> Reply-To: "", K F
> Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2016 at 8:23 AM
> To: User
> Subject: ntpd clock sync
> Hi,
> I have question about ntpd. In certain clusters where new datacenters were
> added since 1 week we stood-up those machines didn't have ntpd running on
> them. Will it cause any problem if we enable or start ntpd now on those
> newly added datacenters.
> Thanks.

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