If you don’t overwrite or delete data, it’s not a concern.
If the clocks show a time in the past instead of in the future, it’s not a 

If the clock has drifted significantly into the future, when you start NTP you 
may be writing data with timestamps lower than timestamps on data that already 
exists. In this case, the existing data (with timestamps in the future) may 
take precedence over new writes (with correct timestamps).

From:  K F
Reply-To:  "user@cassandra.apache.org", K F
Date:  Wednesday, March 9, 2016 at 8:23 AM
To:  User
Subject:  ntpd clock sync


I have question about ntpd. In certain clusters where new datacenters were 
added since 1 week we stood-up those machines didn't have ntpd running on them. 
Will it cause any problem if we enable or start ntpd now on those newly added 


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