if you have internode_compression: all, try disabling it.
Also I would move to STCS if you have a lot of tombstones.
If they get pilled in higher levels you have to wait until those higher
levels get compacted before you get them out.

For G1 your heap is too small. Bump that to 16GB (or at least 12GB). Or
revert back to CMS with 12GB Heap / 3GB NewSize.

This are a bit wild guesses since I don't have eyes on the cluster, but
from what I've seen, this should bring some improvements.


Carlos Juzarte Rolo
Cassandra Consultant / Datastax Certified Architect / Cassandra MVP

Pythian - Love your data

rolo@pythian | Twitter: @cjrolo | Linkedin: *linkedin.com/in/carlosjuzarterolo
Mobile: +351 91 891 81 00 | Tel: +1 613 565 8696 x1649

On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 5:24 PM, Julien Anguenot <jul...@anguenot.org>

> If you positive this is not compaction related I would:
>    1. check disk IOPs and latency on the EBS volume. (dstat)
>    2. turn GC log on in cassandra-env.sh  and use jstat to see what is
> happening to your HEAP.
> I have been asking about compactions initially because if you having one
> (1) big table written by all nodes and fully replicated to all nodes in the
> cluster would definitely trigger constant compactions on every nodes
> depending on write throughput.
>    J.
> On Feb 12, 2016, at 11:03 AM, Skvazh Roman <r...@skvazh.com> wrote:
> Does the load decrease and the node answers requests “normally” when you
> do disable auto-compaction? You actually see pending compactions on nodes
> having high load correct?
> Nope.
> All seems legit here. Using G1 GC?
> Yes
> Problems also occurred on nodes without pending compactions.
> On 12 Feb 2016, at 18:44, Julien Anguenot <jul...@anguenot.org> wrote:
> On Feb 12, 2016, at 9:24 AM, Skvazh Roman <r...@skvazh.com> wrote:
> I have disabled autocompaction and stop it on highload node.
> Does the load decrease and the node answers requests “normally” when you
> do disable auto-compaction? You actually see pending compactions on nodes
> having high load correct?
> Heap is 8Gb. gc_grace is 86400
> All sstables is about 200-300 Mb.
> All seems legit here. Using G1 GC?
> $ nodetool compactionstats
> pending tasks: 14
> Try to increase the compactors from 4 to 6-8 on a node, disable gossip and
> let it finish compacting and put it back in the ring by enabling gossip.
> See what happens.
> The tombstones count growing is because the auto-aucompactions are
> disabled on these nodes. Probably not your issue.
>    J.
> $ dstat -lvnr 10
> ---load-avg--- ---procs--- ------memory-usage----- ---paging-- -dsk/total-
> ---system-- ----total-cpu-usage---- -net/total- --io/total-
> 1m   5m  15m |run blk new| used  buff  cach  free|  in   out | read  writ|
> int   csw |usr sys idl wai hiq siq| recv  send| read  writ
> 29.4 28.6 23.5|0.0   0 1.2|11.3G  190M 17.6G  407M|   0     0 |7507k
> 7330k|  13k   40k| 11   1  88   0   0   0|   0     0 |96.5  64.6
> 29.3 28.6 23.5| 29   0 0.9|11.3G  190M 17.6G  408M|   0     0 |   0
>   189k|9822  2319 | 99   0   0   0   0   0| 138k  120k|   0  4.30
> 29.4 28.6 23.6| 30   0 2.0|11.3G  190M 17.6G  408M|   0     0 |   0
>    26k|8689  2189 |100   0   0   0   0   0| 139k  120k|   0  2.70
> 29.4 28.7 23.6| 29   0 3.0|11.3G  190M 17.6G  408M|   0     0 |   0
>    20k|8722  1846 | 99   0   0   0   0   0| 136k  120k|   0  1.50 ^C
> JvmTop 0.8.0 alpha - 15:20:37,  amd64, 16 cpus, Linux 3.14.44-3, load avg
> 28.09
> http://code.google.com/p/jvmtop
> PID 32505: org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon
> VMARGS: -ea -javaagent:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/jamm-0.3.0.jar
> -XX:+CMSCl[...]
> VM: Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_65
> UP:  8:31m  #THR: 334  #THRPEAK: 437  #THRCREATED: 4694 USER: cassandra
> GC-Time:  0: 8m   #GC-Runs: 6378      #TotalLoadedClasses: 5926
> CPU: 97.96% GC:  0.00% HEAP:6049m /7540m NONHEAP:  82m /  n/a
>  TID   NAME                                    STATE    CPU  TOTALCPU
>    447 SharedPool-Worker-45                 RUNNABLE 60.47%     1.03%
>    343 SharedPool-Worker-2                  RUNNABLE 56.46%     3.07%
>    349 SharedPool-Worker-8                  RUNNABLE 56.43%     1.61%
>    456 SharedPool-Worker-25                 RUNNABLE 55.25%     1.06%
>    483 SharedPool-Worker-40                 RUNNABLE 53.06%     1.04%
>    475 SharedPool-Worker-53                 RUNNABLE 52.31%     1.03%
>    464 SharedPool-Worker-20                 RUNNABLE 52.00%     1.11%
>    577 SharedPool-Worker-71                 RUNNABLE 51.73%     1.02%
>    404 SharedPool-Worker-10                 RUNNABLE 51.10%     1.29%
>    486 SharedPool-Worker-34                 RUNNABLE 51.06%     1.03%
> Note: Only top 10 threads (according cpu load) are shown!
> On 12 Feb 2016, at 18:14, Julien Anguenot <jul...@anguenot.org> wrote:
> At the time when the load is high and you have to restart, do you see any
> pending compactions when using `nodetool compactionstats`?
> Possible to see a `nodetool compactionstats` taken *when* the load is too
> high?  Have you checked the size of your SSTables for that big table? Any
> large ones in there?  What about the Java HEAP configuration on these nodes?
> If you have too many tombstones I would try to decrease gc_grace_seconds
> so they get cleared out earlier during compactions.
>  J.
> On Feb 12, 2016, at 8:45 AM, Skvazh Roman <r...@skvazh.com> wrote:
> There is 1-4 compactions at that moment.
> We have many tombstones, which does not removed.
> DroppableTombstoneRatio is 5-6 (greater than 1)
> On 12 Feb 2016, at 15:53, Julien Anguenot <jul...@anguenot.org> wrote:
> Hey,
> What about compactions count when that is happening?
> J.
> On Feb 12, 2016, at 3:06 AM, Skvazh Roman <r...@skvazh.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> We have a cluster of 25 c3.4xlarge nodes (16 cores, 32 GiB) with attached
> 1.5 TB 4000 PIOPS EBS drive.
> Sometimes one or two nodes user cpu spikes to 100%, load average to 20-30
> - read requests drops of.
> Only restart of this cassandra services helps.
> Please advice.
> One big table with wide rows. 600 Gb per node.
> LZ4Compressor
> LeveledCompaction
> concurrent compactors: 4
> compactor throughput: tried from 16 to 128
> Concurrent_readers: from 16 to 32
> Concurrent_writers: 128
> https://gist.github.com/rskvazh/de916327779b98a437a6
> JvmTop 0.8.0 alpha - 06:51:10,  amd64, 16 cpus, Linux 3.14.44-3, load avg
> 19.35
> http://code.google.com/p/jvmtop
> Profiling PID 9256: org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDa
> 95.73% (     4.31s)
> ....google.common.collect.AbstractIterator.tryToComputeN()
> 1.39% (     0.06s) com.google.common.base.Objects.hashCode()
> 1.26% (     0.06s) io.netty.channel.epoll.Native.epollWait()
> 0.85% (     0.04s) net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4JNI.LZ4_compress_limitedOutput()
> 0.46% (     0.02s) net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4JNI.LZ4_decompress_fast()
> 0.26% (     0.01s) com.google.common.collect.Iterators$7.computeNext()
> 0.06% (     0.00s) io.netty.channel.epoll.Native.eventFdWrite()
> ttop:
> 2016-02-12T08:20:25.605+0000 Process summary
> process cpu=1565.15%
> application cpu=1314.48% (user=1354.48% sys=-40.00%)
> other: cpu=250.67%
> heap allocation rate 146mb/s
> [000405] user=76.25% sys=-0.54% alloc=     0b/s - SharedPool-Worker-9
> [000457] user=75.54% sys=-1.26% alloc=     0b/s - SharedPool-Worker-14
> [000451] user=73.52% sys= 0.29% alloc=     0b/s - SharedPool-Worker-16
> [000311] user=76.45% sys=-2.99% alloc=     0b/s - SharedPool-Worker-4
> [000389] user=70.69% sys= 2.62% alloc=     0b/s - SharedPool-Worker-6
> [000388] user=86.95% sys=-14.28% alloc=     0b/s - SharedPool-Worker-5
> [000404] user=70.69% sys= 0.10% alloc=     0b/s - SharedPool-Worker-8
> [000390] user=72.61% sys=-1.82% alloc=     0b/s - SharedPool-Worker-7
> [000255] user=87.86% sys=-17.87% alloc=     0b/s - SharedPool-Worker-1
> [000444] user=72.21% sys=-2.30% alloc=     0b/s - SharedPool-Worker-12
> [000310] user=71.50% sys=-2.31% alloc=     0b/s - SharedPool-Worker-3
> [000445] user=69.68% sys=-0.83% alloc=     0b/s - SharedPool-Worker-13
> [000406] user=72.61% sys=-4.40% alloc=     0b/s - SharedPool-Worker-10
> [000446] user=69.78% sys=-1.65% alloc=     0b/s - SharedPool-Worker-11
> [000452] user=66.86% sys= 0.22% alloc=     0b/s - SharedPool-Worker-15
> [000256] user=69.08% sys=-2.42% alloc=     0b/s - SharedPool-Worker-2
> [004496] user=29.99% sys= 0.59% alloc=   30mb/s - CompactionExecutor:15
> [004906] user=29.49% sys= 0.74% alloc=   39mb/s - CompactionExecutor:16
> [010143] user=28.58% sys= 0.25% alloc=   26mb/s - CompactionExecutor:17
> [000785] user=27.87% sys= 0.70% alloc=   38mb/s - CompactionExecutor:12
> [012723] user= 9.09% sys= 2.46% alloc= 2977kb/s - RMI TCP
> Connection(2673)-
> [000555] user= 5.35% sys=-0.08% alloc=  474kb/s - SharedPool-Worker-24
> [000560] user= 3.94% sys= 0.07% alloc=  434kb/s - SharedPool-Worker-22
> [000557] user= 3.94% sys=-0.17% alloc=  339kb/s - SharedPool-Worker-25
> [000447] user= 2.73% sys= 0.60% alloc=  436kb/s - SharedPool-Worker-19
> [000563] user= 3.33% sys=-0.04% alloc=  460kb/s - SharedPool-Worker-20
> [000448] user= 2.73% sys= 0.27% alloc=  414kb/s - SharedPool-Worker-21
> [000554] user= 1.72% sys= 0.70% alloc=  232kb/s - SharedPool-Worker-26
> [000558] user= 1.41% sys= 0.39% alloc=  213kb/s - SharedPool-Worker-23
> [000450] user= 1.41% sys=-0.03% alloc=  158kb/s - SharedPool-Worker-17
> --
> Julien Anguenot (@anguenot)
> USA +1.832.408.0344
> FR +



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