As long as your hyper-v/vss snapshots include both the data directory and the 
commit log directory, then they’re exactly as good as tolerating a single power 
outage – you should be able to load the sstables and replay  commit log and be 

Assuming you’re moving the hyper-v/vss snapshot to another host (using DPM or 
similar), it’s probably going to work the way you expect.

You’ll note, however, the cassandra was designed to do the opposite of what 
you’re doing – rather than having one monolithic database that’s scaled up, the 
canonical use case for cassandra is to have a number of smaller databases, so 
you still get the same capacity and throughput, but you also get high 
availability and fault tolerance. It may be worth noting (as Mr. Coli 
suggested) that you’re using cassandra in an atypical fashion, and if you add 
more smaller nodes, then you’ll gain performance, gain HA, gain capacity, and 
that moving snapshots will be faster because there’s less data per system.

From:  Raul D'Opazo
Reply-To:  ""
Date:  Tuesday, October 20, 2015 at 4:22 AM
To:  ""
Subject:  Hiper-V snapshot and Cassandra


I am really new with Cassandra and i have some questions regarding the backup 
of Cassandra with TB of info. So please, forgive me if I ask a noob question. 

I only have one node, in one server (Windows 2012), and Cassandra will grow up 
to 4TB approx. It is a hiper-v virtual machine, with enough resources.

I have done snapshots and it is ok, because we don’t double the size in each 
snapshot, but I need to have other solution in case of disks problems. 

Copying these snapshots using other backup systems is crazy, approx.. 500MB/s 
it will last days.

I am thinking if hiper-v virtual machine snapshots can be used to recover 
Cassandra in a consistence way. Is it possible?

This will avoid me to copy snapshots to other network location or backup system.




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