I am really new with Cassandra and i have some questions regarding the backup 
of Cassandra with TB of info. So please, forgive me if I ask a noob question.
I only have one node, in one server (Windows 2012), and Cassandra will grow up 
to 4TB approx. It is a hiper-v virtual machine, with enough resources.
I have done snapshots and it is ok, because we don't double the size in each 
snapshot, but I need to have other solution in case of disks problems.
Copying these snapshots using other backup systems is crazy, approx.. 500MB/s 
it will last days.
I am thinking if hiper-v virtual machine snapshots can be used to recover 
Cassandra in a consistence way. Is it possible?
This will avoid me to copy snapshots to other network location or backup system.

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