Well... I wasn't expecting that, as both OpsCenter 5.2.1 and cqlsh in
Cassandra 2.1.x both use native protocol. I was expecting them having
different protocols, so....

Have no further ideas :(

Carlos Alonso | Software Engineer | @calonso <https://twitter.com/calonso>

On 1 October 2015 at 14:36, Walsh, Stephen <stephen.wa...@aspect.com> wrote:

> Thanks Jake, I’ll try test out 2.1.9 to see if it resolved the issue and
> ill try “nodetool resetlocalschema” now to see if it helps.
> Cassandra is 2.1.6
> OpsCenter is 5.2.1
> *From:* Jake Luciani [mailto:jak...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* 01 October 2015 14:00
> *To:* user <user@cassandra.apache.org>
> *Subject:* Re: Consistency Issues
> Onur, was responding to Stephen's issue.
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 8:56 AM, Onur Yalazı <onur.yal...@8digits.com>
> wrote:
> Thank you Jake.
> The issue is I do not have missing CF's and upgrading beyond 2.1.3 is not
> a possibility because of the deprecation of cql dialects. Our application
> is using Hector and migrating to cql3 is a huge refactoring.
> On 01/10/15 15:48, Jake Luciani wrote:
> Couple things to try.
> 1. nodetool resetlocalschema on the nodes with missing CFs. This will
> refresh the schema on the local node.
> 2. upgrade to 2.1.9. There are some pretty major issues in 2.1.6 (nothing
> specific to this problem but worth upgrading)
> --
> http://twitter.com/tjake
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