Thanks Jake, I’ll try test out 2.1.9 to see if it resolved the issue and ill try “nodetool resetlocalschema” now to see if it helps.
Cassandra is 2.1.6 OpsCenter is 5.2.1 From: Jake Luciani [] Sent: 01 October 2015 14:00 To: user <> Subject: Re: Consistency Issues Onur, was responding to Stephen's issue. On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 8:56 AM, Onur Yalazı <<>> wrote: Thank you Jake. The issue is I do not have missing CF's and upgrading beyond 2.1.3 is not a possibility because of the deprecation of cql dialects. Our application is using Hector and migrating to cql3 is a huge refactoring. On 01/10/15 15:48, Jake Luciani wrote: Couple things to try. 1. nodetool resetlocalschema on the nodes with missing CFs. This will refresh the schema on the local node. 2. upgrade to 2.1.9. There are some pretty major issues in 2.1.6 (nothing specific to this problem but worth upgrading) -- This email (including any attachments) is proprietary to Aspect Software, Inc. and may contain information that is confidential. If you have received this message in error, please do not read, copy or forward this message. Please notify the sender immediately, delete it from your system and destroy any copies. You may not further disclose or distribute this email or its attachments.