Hi Jean,

Glad to hear it worked this way.

Some other people provided (and continue providing) similar help to me,
just trying to give back to the community as much as I received from it.

See you around.


2015-06-26 8:44 GMT+02:00 Jean Tremblay <jean.tremb...@zen-innovations.com>:

>  Good morning,
> Alain, thank you so much. This is exactly what I needed.
>   In my test I had a node which had for whatever reason the directory
> containing my data corrupted. I keep in a separate folder my snapshots.
>  Here are the steps I took to recover my sick node:
>  0) Cassandra is stopped on my sick node.
> 1) I wiped out my data directory. My snapshots were kept outside this
> directory.
> 2) I modified my Cassandra.yaml. I added auto_bootstrap: false .This is to
> make sure that my node does not synch with the others.
> 3) I restarted Cassandra. This step created a basic structure for my new
> data directory.
> 4) I did the command: nodetool resetlocalschema. This recreated all the
> folders for my cf.
> 5) I stopped Cassandra on my node.
> 6) I copied my snapshot in the right location. I actually hard linked
> them, this is very fast.
> 7) I restarted Cassandra.
>  That's it.
>  Thank you SO MUCH ALAIN for your support. You really helped me a lot.
> On 25 Jun,2015, at 18:37, Alain RODRIGUEZ <arodr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   Hi Jean,
>  Answers in line to be sure to be exhaustive:
>  - how can I restore the data directory structure in order to copy my
> snapshots at the right position?
> --> making a script to do it and testing it I would say. basically under
> any table repo you have a "snapshots/snapshot_name" directory (snapshot_name
> is timestamp if not specified off the top of my head..) and then your
> sstables.
>  - is it possible to recreate the schema on one node?
> --> The easiest way that come to my mind is to set "auto_bootstrap: false"
> on a node not already in the ring. If you have trouble with the schema of a
> node in the ring run a "nodetool resetlocalschema"
>  - how can I avoid the node from streaming from the other nodes?
> --> See above (auto_bootstrap: false). BTW, option might not be present
> at all, just add it.
>  - must I also have the snapshot of the system tables in order to restore
> a node from only the snapshot of my tables?
> --> just you user table. Yet remember that snapshot is per node and as
> such you will just have part of the data this node use to hold. meaning
> that if the new node have different tokens, there will be unused data +
> missing data for sure.
>  Basically when a node is down I use to remove it, repair the cluster,
> and bootstap it (auto_bootstrap: true). Streams are part of Cassandra. I
> accept that. An other solution would be to "replace" the node -->
> http://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra/2.0/cassandra/operations/ops_replace_node_t.html
>  C*heers,
>  Alain
> 2015-06-25 17:07 GMT+02:00 Jean Tremblay <
> jean.tremb...@zen-innovations.com>:
>> Hi,
>>  I am testing snapshot restore procedures in case of a major catastrophe
>> on our cluster. I’m using Cassandra 2.1.7 with RF:3
>>  The scenario that I am trying to solve is how to quickly get one node
>> back to work after its disk failed and lost all its data assuming that the
>> only thing I have is its snapshots.
>>  The procedure that I’m following is the one explained here:
>> http://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra/2.0/cassandra/operations/ops_backup_snapshot_restore_t.html
>>  I can do a snapshot that is straight forward.
>> My problem is in the restore of the snapshot.
>>  If I restart Cassandra with an empty data directory the node will
>> bootstrap.
>> Bootstrap is very nice, since it recreate the schema and reload the data
>> from its neighbour.
>> But this is quite heavy traffic and quite a slow process.
>>  My questions are:
>>  - how can I restore the data directory structure in order to copy my
>> snapshots at the right position?
>> - is it possible to recreate the schema on one node?
>> - how can I avoid the node from streaming from the other nodes?
>> - must I also have the snapshot of the system tables in order to restore
>> a node from only the snapshot of my tables?
>>  Thanks for your comments.
>>  Jean

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