Hi, I am testing snapshot restore procedures in case of a major catastrophe on our cluster. I’m using Cassandra 2.1.7 with RF:3
The scenario that I am trying to solve is how to quickly get one node back to work after its disk failed and lost all its data assuming that the only thing I have is its snapshots. The procedure that I’m following is the one explained here: http://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra/2.0/cassandra/operations/ops_backup_snapshot_restore_t.html I can do a snapshot that is straight forward. My problem is in the restore of the snapshot. If I restart Cassandra with an empty data directory the node will bootstrap. Bootstrap is very nice, since it recreate the schema and reload the data from its neighbour. But this is quite heavy traffic and quite a slow process. My questions are: - how can I restore the data directory structure in order to copy my snapshots at the right position? - is it possible to recreate the schema on one node? - how can I avoid the node from streaming from the other nodes? - must I also have the snapshot of the system tables in order to restore a node from only the snapshot of my tables? Thanks for your comments. Jean