Thank Rob,

I trigger user defined compaction to big sstables (big as in the size per
sstable reach more than 50GB, some 100GB). Occasionally, after user defined
compaction, I see some sstables remain, even after 12 hours elapsed.

You mentioned a thread, could you tell what threads are those or perhaps
highlight in the code?


On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 3:58 AM, Robert Coli <> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 1:35 AM, Jason Wee <> wrote:
>> Pre cassandra 1.0, after sstables are compacted, the old sstables will be
>> remain until the first gc kick in. For cassandra 1.0, the sstables will be
>> remove after compaction is done. Will it be possible the old sstables
>> remains due to whatever reasons (e.g. read referencing)?
> If I understand your question properly, the answer is "no" or "not for
> longer than the duration of a running thread."
> If compaction is working properly in a
> post-needs-the-java-GC-to-delete-files version of Cassandra the input files
> should be deleted ASAP. If a thread is actively accessing that file, I
> would imagine it blocks for that long, but that's not likely to be very
> long.
> =Rob

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