"Read 193311 live and 0 tombstoned cells " 

is your killer.  returning 250k rows is a bit excessive, you should really page 
this in smaller chunks, what client are you using to access the data?  This 
partition (a, b, c, d, e, f) may be too large as well (can check partition max 
size from output of nodetool cfstats), may be worth including g to break it up 
more - but I dont know enough about your data model.

Chris Lohfink

On Sep 17, 2014, at 4:53 PM, Mohammed Guller <moham...@glassbeam.com> wrote:

> Thank you all for your responses.
> Alex –
>   Instance (ephemeral) SSD
> Ben –
> the query reads data from just one partition. If disk i/o is the bottleneck, 
> then in theory, if reading from EBS takes 10 seconds, then it should take lot 
> less when reading the same amount of data from local SSD. My question is not 
> about why it is taking 10 seconds, but why is the read time same for both EBS 
> (network attached storage) and local SSD?
> Tony –
> if the data was cached in memory, then a read should not take 10 seconds just 
> for 20MB data
> Rob –
> Here is the schema, query, and trace. I masked the actual column names to 
> protect the innocents J
> create table dummy(
>   a   varchar,
>   b   varchar,
>   c   varchar,
>   d   varchar,
>   e   varchar,
>   f   varchar,
>   g   varchar,
>   h   timestamp,
>   i   int,
>   non_key1   varchar,
>   ...
>   non_keyN   varchar,
>   PRIMARY KEY ((a, b, c, d, e, f), g, h, i)
> SELECT h, non_key100, non_key200 FROM dummy WHERE a='aaaa' AND b='bbbbbb' AND 
> c='ccc' AND d='dd' AND e='eeeeeeeeeeee' AND f='ffffffffff' AND 
> g='ggggggggg'AND h >='2014-09-10T00:00:00' AND h<='2014-09-10T23:40:41';
> The above query returns around 250,000 CQL rows.
> cqlsh trace:
> activity | timestamp    | source      | source_elapsed
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> execute_cql3_query | 21:57:16,830 | |              0
> Parsing query; | 21:57:16,830 | |            673
> Preparing statement | 21:57:16,831 | |           1602
> Executing single-partition query on event | 21:57:16,845 | |      
>     14871
> Acquiring sstable references | 21:57:16,845 | |          14896
> Merging memtable tombstones | 21:57:16,845 | |          14954
> Bloom filter allows skipping sstable 1049 | 21:57:16,845 | |      
>     15090
> Bloom filter allows skipping sstable 989 | 21:57:16,845 | |       
>    15146
> Partition index with 0 entries found for sstable 937 | 21:57:16,845 | 
> |          15565
> Seeking to partition indexed section in data file | 21:57:16,845 | 
> |          15581
> Partition index with 7158 entries found for sstable 884 | 21:57:16,898 | 
> |          68644
> Seeking to partition indexed section in data file | 21:57:16,899 | 
> |          69014
> Partition index with 20819 entries found for sstable 733 | 21:57:16,916 | 
> |          86121
> Seeking to partition indexed section in data file | 21:57:16,916 | 
> |          86412
> Skipped 1/6 non-slice-intersecting sstables, included 0 due to tombstones | 
> 21:57:16,916 | |          86494
> Merging data from memtables and 3 sstables | 21:57:16,916 | |     
>      86522
> Read 193311 live and 0 tombstoned cells | 21:57:24,552 | |        
> 7722425
> Request complete | 21:57:29,074 | |       12244832
> Mohammed
> From: Alex Major [mailto:al3...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 3:47 AM
> To: user@cassandra.apache.org
> Subject: Re: no change observed in read latency after switching from EBS to 
> SSD storage
> When you say you moved from EBS to SSD, do you mean the EBS HDD drives to EBS 
> SSD drives? Or instance SSD drives? The m3.large only comes with 32GB of 
> instance based SSD storage. If you're using EBS SSD drives then network will 
> still be the slowest thing so switching won't likely make much of a 
> difference.
> On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 6:00 AM, Mohammed Guller <moham...@glassbeam.com> 
> wrote:
> Rob,
> The 10 seconds latency that I gave earlier is from CQL tracing. Almost 5 
> seconds out of that was taken up by the “merge memtable and sstables” step. 
> The remaining 5 seconds are from “read live and tombstoned cells.”
> I too first thought that maybe disk is not the bottleneck and Cassandra is 
> serving everything from cache, but in that case, it should not take 10 
> seconds for reading just 20MB data.
> Also, I narrowed down the query to limit it to a single partition read and I 
> ran the query in cqlsh running on the same node. I turned on tracing, which 
> shows that all the steps got executed on the same node. htop shows that CPU 
> and memory are not the bottlenecks. Network should not come into play since 
> the cqlsh is running on the same node.
> Is there any performance tuning parameter in the cassandra.yaml file for 
> large reads?
> Mohammed
> From: Robert Coli [mailto:rc...@eventbrite.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 5:42 PM
> To: user@cassandra.apache.org
> Subject: Re: no change observed in read latency after switching from EBS to 
> SSD storage
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 5:35 PM, Mohammed Guller <moham...@glassbeam.com> 
> wrote:
> Does anyone have insight as to why we don't see any performance impact on the 
> reads going from EBS to SSD?
> What does it say when you enable tracing on this CQL query?
> 10 seconds is a really long time to access anything in Cassandra. There is, 
> generally speaking, a reason why the default timeouts are lower than this.
> My conjecture is that the data in question was previously being served from 
> the page cache and is now being served from SSD. You have, in switching from 
> EBS-plus-page-cache to SSD successfully proved that SSD and RAM are both very 
> fast. There is also a strong suggestion that whatever access pattern you are 
> using is not bounded by disk performance.
> =Rob

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