If you cached your tables or the database you may not see any difference at all. Regards, -Tony
On Tuesday, September 16, 2014 6:36 PM, Mohammed Guller <moham...@glassbeam.com> wrote: Hi - We are running Cassandra 2.0.5 on AWS on m3.large instances. These instances were using EBS for storage (I know it is not recommended). We replaced the EBS storage with SSDs. However, we didn't see any change in read latency. A query that took 10 seconds when data was stored on EBS still takes 10 seconds even after we moved the data directory to SSD. It is a large query returning 200,000 CQL rows from a single partition. We are reading 3 columns from each row and the combined data in these three columns for each row is around 100 bytes. In other words, the raw data returned by the query is approximately 20MB. I was expecting at least 5-10 times reduction in read latency going from EBS to SSD, so I am puzzled why we are not seeing any change in performance. Does anyone have insight as to why we don't see any performance impact on the reads going from EBS to SSD? Thanks, Mohammed