Yup... Upgrades are in the works.. Thanks for the response. 

The reason I asked about he hints is because I see hints being replayed but the 
large compacted hints stable still sticks around, perhaps it is a bug with that 
version .

Rahul Neelakantan

> On Sep 5, 2014, at 1:03 PM, Robert Coli <rc...@eventbrite.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 6:12 AM, Rahul Neelakantan <ra...@rahul.be> wrote:
>> The questions are for Cassandra 1.0.8 but may apply to later versions too.
> Upgrade your very old version of Cassandra ASAP. I barely remember the 
> implementation of HH in your old version.
>> 1) When the coordinator notices that a node it is collecting hints for is 
>> down for more than the max hint window, it stops collecting hints for that 
>> node
>>     - Does it automatically purge the hints it collected so far, or does 
>> removing them require manual intervention?
> It tries to deliver the hints it has stored so far, when it can. When it 
> delivers them, it deletes them.
>>     - What is the recommended way to remove hints if they are not 
>> automatically removed? Stop node and delete hints CF db files? or use 
>> truncate CF?
> Either way is fine. There's also a JMX method (maybe not in your old version) 
> to purge hints.
>> 2) When the coordinator replays hints to a node that has come back within 
>> the max hint window, does it purge those hints once they are replayed or 
>> does cleanup of those hints require manual intervention?
> The former. 
>> 3) If a node is flapping because of network issues and gossip keeps thinking 
>> the node is down, causing the coordinator to reset the max hint window for 
>> that node and start collecting hints again for the node
>>  - Does it automatically purge the hints collected in the previous windows?
> No.
>>  - Or Does it replay all hints collected in all windows that the node was 
>> down?
> Yes.
> =Rob

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