The questions are for Cassandra 1.0.8 but may apply to later versions too.

1) When the coordinator notices that a node it is collecting hints for is
down for more than the max hint window, it stops collecting hints for that
    - Does it automatically purge the hints it collected so far, or does
removing them require manual intervention?
    - What is the recommended way to remove hints if they are not
automatically removed? Stop node and delete hints CF db files? or use
truncate CF?

2) When the coordinator replays hints to a node that has come back within
the max hint window, does it purge those hints once they are replayed or
does cleanup of those hints require manual intervention?

3) If a node is flapping because of network issues and gossip keeps
thinking the node is down, causing the coordinator to reset the max hint
window for that node and start collecting hints again for the node
 - Does it automatically purge the hints collected in the previous windows?
 - Or Does it replay all hints collected in all windows that the node was

- Rahul

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