Ben! I think I have an idea of exactly where the bug is! I did some more searching and discovered the difference that causes some tables to produce the wrong type and others to be okay: *the tables with the wrong type reverse the ordering of the timestamp column*.
The bug is in org.apache.cassandra.transport.DataType:fromType(AbstractType) : public static Pair<DataType, Object> fromType(AbstractType type) { // For CQL3 clients, ReversedType is an implementation detail and they // shouldn't have to care about it. if (type instanceof ReversedType) type = ((ReversedType)type).baseType; // For compatibility sake, we still return DateType as the timestamp type in resultSet metadata (#5723) else if (type instanceof DateType) type = TimestampType.instance; DataType dt = dataTypeMap.get(type); if (dt == null) { if (type.isCollection()) { if (type instanceof ListType) { return Pair.<DataType, Object>create(LIST, ((ListType)type).elements); } else if (type instanceof MapType) { MapType mt = (MapType)type; return Pair.<DataType, Object>create(MAP, Arrays.asList(mt.keys, mt.values)); } else { assert type instanceof SetType; return Pair.<DataType, Object>create(SET, ((SetType)type).elements); } } return Pair.<DataType, Object>create(CUSTOM, type.toString()); } else { return Pair.create(dt, null); } } The issue is the "else if", which does not check the base type of the reversed column: if (type instanceof ReversedType) type = ((ReversedType)type).baseType; // For compatibility sake, we still return DateType as the timestamp type in resultSet metadata (#5723) *else if* (type instanceof DateType) type = TimestampType.instance; The "else" should be removed to make it just: if (type instanceof ReversedType) type = ((ReversedType)type).baseType; // For compatibility sake, we still return DateType as the timestamp type in resultSet metadata (#5723) *if* (type instanceof DateType) type = TimestampType.instance; This way we do a check for DataType on the base type of reversed columns! I applied the fix to my 2.0.9 cassandra node and the errors go away!!!!! Could you guys please make this single-word fix? -Karl On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 1:30 PM, Ben Hood <> wrote: > On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 3:03 PM, Karl Rieb <> wrote: > > Why is the protocol ID correct for some tables but not others? > > I have no idea. > > > Why does it work when I do a clean install on a new 2.0.x cluster? > > I still have no idea. > > > The bug seems to be on the Cassandra side and the clients seem to just > be providing patches to these issues. > > It was reported to the Cassandra list, but there was no answer, > potentially because the query was sent to the wrong list, but I don't > really know. Maybe it should have gone into Jira, but it's unclear as > to whether this is a client or a server issue. > > In any case, it didn't look like the server behavior was going to > change any time soon, so we just took the pragmatic approach in gocql > and worked around the issue. > > > I will post to the Datastax java driver mailing list and see if they are > willing to add a patch. > > That sounds like a good idea, seeing as the workaround has been tested > before. > > Sorry to be of little help to you. >