For others who get stuck with this in future, here is fix that worked for

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 9:24 PM, Michael Shuler <>wrote:

> On 03/11/2014 08:47 AM, Ken Hancock wrote:
>> See for the mess that
>> has been created regarding java JRE dependencies.
> That's a good example of the cluster.. so many thanks to the Oracle legal
> department for disallowing redistribution..
> FWIW, I maintain my own apt repository for oracle-java7-{jre,jdk,etc}
> packages. If you want to build proper deb packages for Debian/Ubuntu (I'm
> sure there's a similar project for RPM-based distros) (there is also some
> sort of Ubuntu PPA that does a similar build, but I don't do random PPAs):
>  git clone
>  cd oracle-java7
>  sh ./
>  dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us
> and install the packages in that you want (just the jre, the jdk if you
> are building/testing, etc.)
> Throw 'em in an apt repo for installation on many machines  :)
> --
> Michael

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