As I mentioned I had given ownership to cassandra user for the containing folder, var/lib/cassandra & /var/log/cassandra.
All of them are owned by cassandra as I verified.

However after suggestion by someone, I tried removing the
folders  var/lib/cassandra & /var/log/cassandra & restarted cassandra & it
seems to work fine now.. after this I can start the cassandra as a service

* sudo service cassandra start*

& can also see status using

*sudo service cassandra startus*

However is this a practical approach? should I just delete the entire
folders as such & let cassandra create new folders ? Wouldn't that reduce
some information from cassandra? (like the opscenter keyspaces which were
there by default but wont be created by cassandra itself ? or anything else
I dont know!).
However this means that folder permissions is not somehow correct, isn;t it
? Shouldn't dsc installer be taking care of configuring this properly ? Or
is it my responsibility ?

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 12:20 AM, Michael Shuler <>wrote:

> That all makes sense, then. I, personally, would not give the c* user a
> valid shell, unless it was just for a little testing - then change it back
> to /bin/false as intended.
> Since the initial problem was that the service commaned had trouble with
> the PID file, and OP has tinkered with starting as root, it's possible root
> owns the pid file or directory?
> (or that 'service cassandra status' doesn't work as expected, and it's
> actually running fine?)
> Honestly, there's too many unknowns for me to accurately be able to help
> without poking around a shell on the node - I'm just guessing.
> --
> Michael
> On 03/10/2014 12:50 PM, Sholes, Joshua wrote:
>> Depending on how it was installed, try making sure that the cassandra
>> user has an actual login shell defined in /etc/passwd and not something
>> like /sbin/nologin or /bin/false.
>> From: user 01 < <>>
>> Reply-To: " <>"
>> < <>>
>> Date: Monday, March 10, 2014 at 1:22 PM
>> To: " <>"
>> < <>>
>> Subject: Re: Cassandra DSC 2.0.5 not starting - "* could not access
>> pidfile for Cassandra"
>>     $*sudo su - cassandra*
>> *
>> *
>> I don't know why but this isn't actually working. It does not switch me
>> to *cassandra* user[btw .. should this actually switch me to cassandra
>> user?? ]. This user switching on my servers does not work for users like
>> *tomcat7* user, *cassandra* user but works for users that were manually
>> created by user. Actually I tested this on two of my test servers but
>> same results on both.

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