On 03/04/2014 04:12 PM, Dwight Smith wrote:
Second that question

*From:*Green, John M (HP Education) [mailto:john.gr...@hp.com]
*Sent:* Tuesday, March 04, 2014 2:03 PM
*To:* user@cassandra.apache.org
*Subject:* Datastax C++ driver on Windows x64

Has anyone successfully built the Datastax C++ driver for a Windows
64-bit platform?

While I’ve made some progress I’m still not there and wondering if I
should give-up and use a local socket to another process (e.g., JVM or
.NET runtime) instead.    I’d prefer to use C++ because that’s what the
rest of the application is using.    However, my C++ and makefile
experience is very dated and I’ve never used cmake before.    Still I’d
be very interested to know if anyone had success using the C++ driver on
Windows x64.


Please, let me know, and I'll dig for some further details, if this doesn't fully help. I did not set this particular job up, but jenkins runs the following batch script after git pull:

@echo off
cd C:\jenkins\workspace
mkdir y_cpp_driver_win32\bin
copy CMakeCache.txt y_cpp_driver_win32\bin
cd y_cpp_driver_win32\bin
cmake .
msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj
msbuild UNINSTALL.vcxproj
msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj

That's it  :)

Kind regards,

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