Yes, I have openssl, boost, and zlib.   It's just been this nastiness of the 
cmm_bridge which you've just confirmed I don't  need (thank goodness!).   I'm 
still not sure how to 

>> Just build the driver in bin/ as below, instead of trying the whole project.

I don't have a bin subirectory.  

 Volume in drive D is development
 Volume Serial Number is 8C95-EF28

 Directory of D:\dvlp\git\cpp-driver-release_0_2_0

03/05/2014  08:45 AM    <DIR>          .
03/05/2014  08:45 AM    <DIR>          ..
03/03/2014  10:18 AM               472 .gitignore
03/05/2014  08:45 AM            25,792 CMakeCache.txt
03/05/2014  08:45 AM    <DIR>          CMakeFiles
03/05/2014  08:44 AM             7,330 CMakeLists.txt
03/03/2014  12:44 PM             1,129 cmake_uninstall.cmake
03/03/2014  10:18 AM             1,032
03/03/2014  10:18 AM               458 config.txt
03/03/2014  10:18 AM               505 cpp_driver.cppcheck
03/03/2014  10:18 AM    <DIR>          debian
03/04/2014  06:09 PM    <DIR>          demo
03/03/2014  10:18 AM            79,730 Doxyfile
03/03/2014  10:18 AM    <DIR>          extra
03/03/2014  10:18 AM    <DIR>          include
03/03/2014  10:18 AM             2,787 instruction_win_lin.txt.txt
03/03/2014  10:18 AM            11,358 LICENSE.txt
03/03/2014  10:18 AM             2,145 macosx_instruction.txt
03/03/2014  10:18 AM    <DIR>          nbproject
03/03/2014  10:18 AM             4,364
03/03/2014  10:18 AM    <DIR>          src
03/03/2014  10:18 AM    <DIR>          test
              12 File(s)        137,102 bytes
              10 Dir(s)  209,041,293,312 bytes free

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Shuler [] On Behalf Of Michael Shuler
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: Datastax C++ driver on Windows x64

On 03/05/2014 11:20 AM, Michael Shuler wrote:
> CCM won't run on windows, so don't bother.  Unless you wish to get it 
> working on windows - I'm sure that patch would be gladly accepted  :) 
> Just build the driver in bin/ as below, instead of trying the whole 
> project.

Oh, looking at the log on cassci, it does look like it's using openssl, which 
we do have installed under C:\jenkins\workspace\thirdparty\

I suppose you'd need to get that installed.


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