We're getting fairly reproducible OOMs on a 2-node cluster using Cassandra 1.2.11, typically in situations with a heavy read load. A sample of some stack traces is at https://gist.github.com/KlausBrunner/7820902 - they're all failing somewhere down from table.getRow(), though I don't know if that's part of query processing, compaction, or something else.
- The main CFs contain some 100k rows, none of them particularly wide. - Heap dumps invariably show a single huge byte array (~1.6 GiB associated with the OOM'ing thread) hogging > 80% of the Java heap. The array seems to contain all/many rows of one CF. - We're moderately certain there's no "killer query" with a huge result set involved here, but we can't see exactly what triggers this. - We've tried to switch to LeveledCompaction, to no avail. - Xms/x is set to some 4 GB. - The logs show the usual signs of panic ("flushing memtables") before actually OOMing. It seems that this scenario is often or even always after a compaction, but it's not quite conclusive. I'm somewhat worried that Cassandra would read so much data into a single contiguous byte[] at any point. Could this be related to compaction? Any ideas what we could do about this? Thanks Klaus