Many Thanks Aaron!!
As I work more with CQL and CLI as some other posting I have seen regarding 
usage I am thinking that CLI for keyspace and Column Family setup and 
maintenance is best
 while CQL for queries/inserts ect is best. Mainly I am thinking this because 
of better control over the schema using CLI.
I will look over your links carefully.

 From: aaron morton <>
To: Cassandra User <> 
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 2:21 AM
Subject: Re: Intresting issue with getting Order By to work...

Here are some posts about CQL and Thrift

Hope that helps. 

Aaron Morton
Cassandra Consultant
New Zealand


On 17/07/2013, at 11:38 PM, Tony Anecito <> wrote:

Thanks for the answers. 
>The reason why I ask is it is stated the composite keys are not the same as 
>Primary Key. I found no examples for thrift where it specifcally said the 
>composite key is a primary key required by order by. All the examples where 
>the words primary key were used were with CQL examples and I am seeing 
>postings where people had issues with Order By but no answers like what you 
>If there was better documentation for Cassandra with working examples and 
>explnations about the differences between CQL and CLI I would not need to ask 
>questions on the users groups. I have also spotted major issues and tried to 
>help understand them for all users. 
>From: aaron morton <>
>To: Cassandra User <> 
>Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 4:06 AM
>Subject: Re: Intresting issue with getting Order By to work...
>> The use of Order By requires Primary Key which appears to be only supported 
>> by by using CQL and not Cassandra-cli. 
>Order By in CQL is the also supported on the thrift interface. 
>When using thrift the order you get the columns back is the order the 
>Comparator puts them in. If you want them reversed the thrift API supports 
>> I read that thrift clients will not work with CQL created tables due to 
>> extra things created by the CQL. If so how can I create Primary Keys and be 
>> supported by thrift based clients??
>Do not access CQL tables with the thrift API. 
>> Seems like Cassandra-cli should support creation of compound primary keys or
>It does. 
>See help on the CompositeType
>> Also CQL tables are not visible via I can not see details on what was 
>> created by CQL and the cqlsh script has errors according to the latest 
>> Python windows program I tried.
 are visible for read access. 
>> I will post to Datastax the same question 
>Please ask questions to one group at a time so people do not waste their time 
>providing answers you already have. 
>Aaron Morton
>Cassandra Consultant
>New Zealand
>On 17/07/2013, at 3:44 PM, Tony Anecito <> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Well I got most everything working I wanted using Cassandra then discovered 
>> I needed to use an Order By. I am using Cassandra 1.2.5.
>> The use of Order By requires Primary Key which appears to be only supported 
>> by by using CQL and not Cassandra-cli. So I dropped my table created uisng 
>> CLI and used CQL and was able to create a "Table". But when I went
 to insert data that worked fine on the cli created table I now get an 
>> Error while inserting 
>> com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException: Unknown 
>> identifier type.
>> I read that thrift clients will not work with CQL created tables due to 
>> extra things created by the CQL. If so how can I create Primary Keys and be 
>> supported by thrift based clients??
>> I will post to Datastax the same question but trying to understand how to 
>> resolve cli vs CQL issue like this. Seems like Cassandra-cli should support 
>> creation of compound primary keys or CQL should create tables readable by 
>> thrift based clients. Is there some meta column info people should add?
>> Also CQL tables are not visible via I can not see details on what was 
>> created by CQL and the cqlsh script has errors according to the latest 
>> Python windows program I tried.
>> Thanks,
>> -Tony

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