Thanks for the answers.
The reason why I ask is it is stated the composite keys are not the same as 
Primary Key. I found no examples for thrift where it specifcally said the 
composite key is a primary key required by order by. All the examples where the 
words primary key were used were with CQL examples and I am seeing postings 
where people had issues with Order By but no answers like what you said.
If there was better documentation for Cassandra with working examples and 
explnations about the differences between CQL and CLI I would not need to ask 
questions on the users groups. I have also spotted major issues and tried to 
help understand them for all users.

From: aaron morton <>
To: Cassandra User <> 
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 4:06 AM
Subject: Re: Intresting issue with getting Order By to work...

> The use of Order By requires Primary Key which appears to be only supported 
> by by using CQL and not Cassandra-cli. 
Order By in CQL is the also supported on the thrift interface. 

When using thrift the order you get the columns back is the order the 
Comparator puts them in. If you want them reversed the thrift API supports 

> I read that thrift clients will not work with CQL created tables due to extra 
> things created by the CQL. If so how can I create Primary Keys and be 
> supported by thrift based clients??
Do not access CQL tables with the thrift API. 

> Seems like Cassandra-cli should support creation of compound primary keys or
It does. 
See help on the CompositeType

> Also CQL tables are not visible via I can not see details on what was 
> created by CQL and the cqlsh script has errors according to the latest Python 
> windows program I tried.
They are visible for read access. 

> I will post to Datastax the same question 
Please ask questions to one group at a time so people do not waste their time 
providing answers you already have. 


Aaron Morton
Cassandra Consultant
New Zealand


On 17/07/2013, at 3:44 PM, Tony Anecito <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Well I got most everything working I wanted using Cassandra then discovered I 
> needed to use an Order By. I am using Cassandra 1.2.5.
> The use of Order By requires Primary Key which appears to be only supported 
> by by using CQL and not Cassandra-cli. So I dropped my table created uisng 
> CLI and used CQL and was able to create a "Table". But when I went to insert 
> data that worked fine on the cli created table I now get an exception:
> Error while inserting 
> com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException: Unknown identifier 
> type.
> I read that thrift clients will not work with CQL created tables due to extra 
> things created by the CQL. If so how can I create Primary Keys and be 
> supported by thrift based clients??
> I will post to Datastax the same question but trying to understand how to 
> resolve cli vs CQL issue like this. Seems like Cassandra-cli should support 
> creation of compound primary keys or CQL should create tables readable by 
> thrift based clients. Is there some meta column info people should add?
> Also CQL tables are not visible via I can not see details on what was 
> created by CQL and the cqlsh script has errors according to the latest Python 
> windows program I tried.
> Thanks,
> -Tony

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