> So you mean this part doesn't need more testing ? This will work for sure ? > Did you already did it yourself ? Always test. But if you only had one AZ then all nodes will be in one Rack, so the NTS will not behave differently.
> C* will be able to reach the LOCAL_QUORUM everywhere, won't it ? So why > should I use 6 + 6 servers ? LOCAL_QUOURM in structs the coordinator to wait for a QUOURM in the local DC. So if the coordinator is in us-west then it will wait for nodes in there only. You do not *have* to use 6+6 but if you have 300GB on each of the 6 nodes in us-west when you add us-east with only 3 nodes and use the same RF they have to handle 600GB each. It's just easier to have the same number of nodes in each DC. Cheers ----------------- Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Consultant New Zealand @aaronmorton http://www.thelastpickle.com On 24/04/2013, at 6:48 PM, Alain RODRIGUEZ <arodr...@gmail.com> wrote: > "If you are only using one Available Zone per region then you have only one > rack per DC and the NetworkTopologyStrategy will do the right thing." > > So you mean this part doesn't need more testing ? This will work for sure ? > Did you already did it yourself ? > > "Because you are going to replicate your data 3 times in each DC so that each > DC can operate with a LOCAL_QUOURM" > Yet I don't get it. Tell me where I am wrong. LOCAL_QUORUM need to read/write > 2 nodes (since RF = 3) per region. So if I use 6 eu-west and 3 us-east, C* > will be able to reach the LOCAL_QUORUM everywhere, won't it ? So why should I > use 6 + 6 servers ? > > "nodetool rebuild is designed to handle pulling data from another dc, so you > can use it when the local DC does not contain data. i.e. you do not want a > node in the new DC bootstrapping from other nodes in the new DC, they have no > data" > Good to know, thanks about it, as about all your pointers to the doc. > > "Cause it's easier to understand than interleaving the nodes and works with > 2+ DC's." > Good point. > > If your are interested, I'll let you know how all the things go when we'll > add the second DC. > > > 2013/4/24 aaron morton <aa...@thelastpickle.com> > > You are advising me to test it, what would be a good way of testing it (I > > can use AWS EC2 instances if needed) ? > If you are only using one Available Zone per region then you have only one > rack per DC and the NetworkTopologyStrategy will do the right thing. > > > Why ? I mean we have maybe only 5% of our customers on the us-east zone, > > what in C* require to have the same number of node on each DC ? > Because you are going to replicate your data 3 times in each DC so that each > DC can operate with a LOCAL_QUOURM. > > > What is better on adding nodes with no data and then rebuild them compared > > to using the auto_bootstrap ? > > nodetool rebuild is designed to handle pulling data from another dc, so you > can use it when the local DC does not contain data. i.e. you do not want a > node in the new DC bootstrapping from other nodes in the new DC, they have no > data. > > > Any doc on this ? I am not aware of all the possibilities. Why is this the > > best method according to you ? > http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/Operations?highlight=%28token%29#Token_selection > http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.2/initialize/token_generation > > Cause it's easier to understand than interleaving the nodes and works with 2+ > DC's. > > > What is the point of this ? > http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/FAQ#seed > > > I didn't thought this change would be that tricky, thank you guys for these > > warnings and your help ;) > Yup, this is a lot of work. > > Cheers > ----------------- > Aaron Morton > Freelance Cassandra Consultant > New Zealand > > @aaronmorton > http://www.thelastpickle.com > > On 23/04/2013, at 7:26 PM, Alain RODRIGUEZ <arodr...@gmail.com> wrote: > > > Hi,these advice are very welcome. > > > > @Dane, about the rack awareness, we use only one rack per DC, so I guess > > using EC2MultiRegionSnitch will do just fine and it doesn't need any > > configuration. Does it seem right to you. If we are someday interested on > > multi racks I will make sure to use them properly. Thank you for this > > insight anyway. You are advising me to test it, what would be a good way of > > testing it (I can use AWS EC2 instances if needed) ? > > > > @Aaron > > > > "I recommend using the same number of nodes in both DC's." > > > > Why ? I mean we have maybe only 5% of our customers on the us-east zone, > > what in C* require to have the same number of node on each DC ? > > > > "Add the nodes (I recommend 6) with auto_bootstrap: false added to the yaml. > > update the keyspace replication strategy to add rf:3 for the new DC. > > Use nodetool rebuild on the new nodes to rebuild them from the us-west DC. " > > > > What is better on adding nodes with no data and then rebuild them compared > > to using the auto_bootstrap ? > > > > "I prefer to use the offset method. Take the 6 tokens from your us-west DC > > and add 100 to them for the new dc. " > > > > Any doc on this ? I am not aware of all the possibilities. Why is this the > > best method according to you ? > > > > About seeds => "Yes. Have 3 from each." > > > > What is the point of this ? > > > > I didn't thought this change would be that tricky, thank you guys for these > > warnings and your help ;) > > > > Alain > > > > > > 2013/4/23 Dane Miller <d...@optimalsocial.com> > > On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 7:41 AM, Alain RODRIGUEZ <arodr...@gmail.com> wrote: > > > I am wondering about the process to grow from one data center to a few of > > > them. First thing is we use EC2Snitch for now. So I guess we have to > > > switch > > > to Ec2MultiRegionSnitch. > > > > > > c/ I am using the SimpleStrategy. Is it worth it/mandatory to change this > > > strategy when using multiple DC ? > > > > I suggest you thoroughly read the datastax documentation on cassandra > > replication. The change you are planning is big - make sure to try it > > in a test environment first. Also, you might find you don't really > > need Cassandra's rack aware feature, and can operate using > > (Gossiping)PropertyFileSnitch. The rack feature is listed as an > > "anti-pattern" here: > > http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.2/cluster_architecture/anti_patterns > > > > Here are some recent discussions on this list: > > http://cassandra-user-incubator-apache-org.3065146.n2.nabble.com/migrating-from-SimpleStrategy-to-NetworkTopologyStrategy-tp7586272.html > > http://cassandra-user-incubator-apache-org.3065146.n2.nabble.com/migrating-from-SimpleStrategy-to-NetworkTopologyStrategy-tp7481090.html > > > > Dane > > > >