Hi, The company I work for is having so much success that we are expanding worldwide :). We have to deploy our Cassandra servers worldwide too in order to improve the latency of our new abroad customers.
I am wondering about the process to grow from one data center to a few of them. First thing is we use EC2Snitch for now. So I guess we have to switch to Ec2MultiRegionSnitch. Is that doable without any down-time ? Our C* cluster : C*1.2.2, 6 EC2 m1.xLarge in eu-west already running, wanting to add 3 m1.xLarge on us-east I was planning to do it this way: 1/ Change the yaml conf on each of the 6 eu-west existing nodes - Ec2Snitch to Ec2MultiRegionSnitch - uncomment the broadcast_address and set the public ip of the node - let the private ip as defined right now the listen_address - switch seeds from private to public IP 2/ Rolling restart - nodetool disablegossip - nodetool disablethrift - nodetool drain - rm /path/cassandra/commitlog/* ? (I used to do it since drain was broken to avoid replaying counters logs, leading to overcounts, not sure how pertinent this is nowadays) - service cassandra stop - service cassandra start 3/ - Make sure everything is still running smoothly in eu-west servers 4/ - Add 3 nodes one by one with auto_bootstrap set to true. 5/ - Repair nodes (one by one) - Cleanup nodes (one by one) Questions : a/ Do I have to move the tokens since I don't use vnodes yet ? How should I position all these nodes ? b/ Is it useful to add a seed from the new us-east data center in the yaml of all nodes ? c/ I am using the SimpleStrategy. Is it worth it/mandatory to change this strategy when using multiple DC ? d/ With my 2 DC will I have 3 RF per DC or cross DC ? e/ Should I configure my C* client to use the C* nodes from their region as coordinators (which seems to me the good way) or should I configure all the servers everywhere ? Any comment on the process described above would be appreciated, specially if you are arguing that something is wrong about it. If you find out I am missing something, I will be glad to hear about it. Alain